The action this last friday FSO was great, from our perspective. I am sure some will disagree, maybe they were shot down, maybe they discoed. As for getting shot down well, we've all been shot down in AH haven't we, and it can be a bummer but remember it's a game and as such the #1 reason we are all here is to have fun and it's only after that our priorities start to differ from player to player. In JG11, the squadron I'm priviliged to be a part of, we take great pleasure in flying as a squadron (staffel if you will), working as one single team toward the same end goal and not let our comrades down. That, is what brings me to the subject of this letter.
JG11 had orders to fly a staffel of 109s as escort for a strike package of mixed bombers, we had a rendezvous (did I spell that right??) point about halfway across the channel. It was there we were headed at the point Stampf discoed. We were all flying together in formation on 270 level flight in tight order as he disappeared, then reappeared a couple km behind us, our CO and flight lead had discoed. Someone stated the obvious on vox and I think we all thought the same, it's ok he'll be able to log back on and right back into his plane. Imagine then, the disappointment when it became known that he wasn't allowed back into the arena. The reason given was... that combat had been joined on mainland Britain several sectors away... some seconds ago! Ok, so I can buy the concept of not coming back into the arena... if the fields are closed. IF this is... as I have heard it to be, a denial to enter because combat was joined 100 miles away a minute before or so... it is my personal opinion that it is unacceptable behavior by a person administering the arena for the enjoyment of others. That is right, this is a game and there is one interest we all share and have common in this, air combat. In case you failed to see that point already, we log on friday night to have FUN. There are NO lives at stake. Personally FSOs start 5 am my time, and if this would have happened to me... you could just as well have pissed in my morning coffe after the 1½ hrs of sleep I got before the kids woke me up.
Now this didn't happen to me, it happened to Stampf. My CO who I know from some years back when we flew Der Grosse Schlag together, I and JG11 as a group look to him as a leader in flight and within the squad. Now, we did ok without him, had lots of fun flying together... I was fortunate to score some kills, some were less fortunate. It goes with the
game we play.
What does not go with the game was what happened to Stampf. He was denied his fun that night. He could easily have been allowed back in and it would not have been noticed, it would not have affected the frame in any other way than that he would have been there having fun with us all (imaginary foes and all). I am asking WHY? I hear it was because Plissken did not accept him back into the arena. Well, who is Plissken? I do not know you, I have never met you, we've never spoken. At best I think I recall seing your name somewhere in text buffer as any other fellow AH player. Regardless of who you are, and you may be a respected and good person in your family and among friends, but I do not agree with nor do I like what you did friday night. It is not acceptable behavior for someone administering a event, to decide who gets to play and who doesn't, not without a reasonable cause.
So, what was it that caused you to lock a player out of the arena? If you can not come forward with a reasonable explanation to this, I must ask you to either be relieved of your duties, or heavily reprimanded. It is what would happen in real life, and this is real life. What happens in the game is not, but we are all people meeting in this game to have fun and when you deny a person that fun and deny some 16 people the fun of enjoying the game together something is out of order, if there was no clear cut rule break motivating the action.
I demand to get a explanation to this, for JG11 and I was denied this friday the fun we are all paying for and to function as intended as a unit. It affected our performance to some degree, although unknown, just as it also affected other squads we were co-operating with. What happened, if I've perceived this correctly, go beyond the game, it goes into a personal area as a insult. To Stampf primarily, as he was the person left out this friday night for no particular reason, but also for me and JG11. That is what is unacceptable, and I personally do not accept an apology but I'd accept a explanation so that it can become known exactly what happened and why.
To Plissken and the community I <S> you for all you've done for this friday and in the game overall. Without all of you, this game would not be what it is.
![salute :salute](