So, you complained about being interfered with and it was changed, but now that it is the GVs interfering in air-to-air fights you say it is just dandy? Hypocrisy much?
Not even in the slightest. If I shoot you down in the middle of a turn fight, by all means whine. That's the equivalent of unprovoked bombing.
But if someone is running, and I land some 37mm's in your cocpit, you can't complain; you knew the risk, and what the runner might be doing.
I am not asking to make tanks any more visible or vulnerable to enemy aircraft. I am not asking for enemy aircraft icons or friendly aircraft icons to be changed to make it hard for GVers to see them. All I am asking is to make it harder for cowards to run to mommy and you can't handle the idea that you might be out some gimme kills?
I don't up flacks unless under direct air attack; if you knew me well enough to make a guess as to my motives, you would know that.
Bottom line, teamwork should be encouraged, and game play concessions will be made. Get used to being less well informed than your enemy. I don't think it should be s's extreme as it is now, but the green guys should have a better idea where I am than you should.
Aircraft were never untouchable, contrary to the hyperbolic claims you make. I have lost aircraft to vehicles as long as there have been vehicles in this game. Nor, contrary to your claims, is a bomb carrying aircraft utter inevitable doom to a Tiger II. I well recall bombing an unsupported Tiger I to death in the AvA using the Mossie VI. He shot down about 5 Mossies before he finally died. On one strike, dropping both 500lbers from my bomb bay, I landed one right next to him so close that the tank was sitting in the crater and the other actually produced a hit sprite on the tank itself, the only effect of which was for the tanker to exclaim how loud it had been.
Fine let me rephrase. Aircraft were shot down, no GV deaths were prevented. And don't accuse me of being unfair, and then cherry pick your anecdotes. "one time, I got incautious and a flacker shot me down
". "one time, I attacked the toughest tank in the game, and lost 5 planes due to my own incompetence
I mean do you truly here the crap spewing from your mouth? If you get incautious, it's your fault. IF A TANK HITS YOU WITH ITS MAIN GUN, IT'S YOUR FAULT. Karnak, I've truly never experienced this flack issue, and I fight in the weeds. I've been shot at, but never shot down. The instant I see tracers, I break hard. Now if your reflexes are slow, that's not a problem with the game. If your mossie doesn't break as well as my K4, accept it as a weakness of the plane.