It's been a few years and many of the wish list planes have been delivered by HTC (Thank You!)
So I thought it was time to ask again for the P-63 Kingcobra.
Impact on the War EffortThe Kingcobra did not have much of an impact on the war as it was a victim of circumstance. Rolling off the assembly in the first half of 1944, the P-63 did not reach Russian Air units in large numbers until Late 1944, where they are stockpiled for for use against the Japanese, they saw limited action in the invasion of Manchuko in August of 1945.
NumbersThe Kingcobra was however produced in large numbers with 2600 planes making it into Russian hands.
Design/Novelty factorEasily the best All-American V-12 fighter of the war from a performance standpoint (P-51's have Rolls Royce designed Engines). The Big Allison finally lives up to it's power potential, after a lot of bad installations gave it a bad reputation. The P-63 represents too much good engineering, poured into 2600 planes, to be left on the Virtual sidelines. This was a fantastic mass production plane that entered service 18 months before the end of the war, but due to the strange circumstances surrounding it's Lend-Lease agreement, it never got its chance to shine. Aces High can give it that chance.
UsageThe quirky gun package will frustrate many and keep the skies from becoming full of P-63s. But the P-39 has always had it's dedicated fans, despite it's sub-par MA performance. The P-63 will be solid favorite for those dedicated few, making its addition to the game more valuable than many previously added, more historically significant planes, that became hangar queens a week after they were introduced. If HTC is going to do all the work, we owe it to them to ask for things we will actually fly.
Hopefully it can make the list for the next vote.