The RL loss rates of bombers totally dwarf in comparison to their loss rate in AH.
Even the Black Thusday, though suffering horrendous losses, had still most of it's planes returning to England. A comparable bomber raid in AH meeting the same resolute defense would be wiped out, literally.
The last big enemy buff mission I ran into was on compello. About 10 or so formations of B-17s, with themain group flying in perfect tight formation at 'only' (for AH) 22k at typical AH speeds, this time well covered by (mostly) 47 and 51 escorts at about 30k.
Not one single bomber ever reached the strats, not one. If they had flown at typical RL speeds than AH MA speeds, they would most probably not even have survived crossing the coastline.
Imagine what would happen to buffs in AH if fighter pilots would stop simply insisting on attacking from plain 6 o clock, which 9 out of 10 will invariably do.