The idea is not dumb, but it misses the point of this MMO game. We need as little AI as possible. This is a social game and just as many fighter players fly as wingmen, bomber players can/should fly as pilot+gunner.
These days, with the advent of drones and .wingman auto pilot, there is less and less incentive to bring a gunner. Why would you bring a gunner when you can bring 3 more bombers with their 18k bombs and 30 0.5 guns (in the 3 formation). These 2 extra "strikes" or "lives" by the drones and the complete redundancy of formation-flying competence offered by the .wingman command, have ruined this aspect of the game.
So, bring a wingman and sacrifice a drone while in F6 view.
Remember, you have 3 lives per sortie, so 0.3 K/D ratio in a bomber is like 1.0 K/D in a fighter.