you inspire me Bruv...stick stirring spitdweeb
i'm not good enough for koth...i spend too much time thinking about being Midway's fph and i stick stir. 
wish i had to time to be a cartoon ace top gun fighter pile-it like Midway...on the other hand, i enjoy reality too much and i really dislike having to resort to the foolishness needed to be anything more than mediocre.

A cartoon, you say?
Are the pilots flying RL drones doing any more than watching a cartoon?
Are they controlling the action with their joystick and monitor(s)?
A cartoon is a series of drawings you only watch in sequence.
The end is known at the beginning by the artists and writers
Are we not using our mental skills to defeat our opponent?
Does watching cartoons involve controlling the action?
A cartoon, you say?

I ask you!

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