best of the best what, cartoon stick stirrers? if that's the epitomy of your life goal, something has really malfunctioned in your gene pool...
you really need to get away from the computer more...go outside and get some fresh air. go visit a veteran's home, there are people there far more worthy of such praise than any stick stirring cartoon pile-it...
The same could be said for anyone that plays sports or has hobbies. This sport of ours is great fun, rewarding, and very very challenging. I'm sure great athletes like Michael Jordan, Kurt Thomas, Bart Conner, Michael Phelps, and Tom Brady have spent time with and honour our RL veterans. That does not take away from the value of their or our sport.

I happen to have lived next door to a RL P51 pilot (downed a RL ME 262 in WWII), and have great appreciation for the real thing... which is why Aces High is that much more meaningful and enjoyable to so many that did not serve and get to fly or support these great aeroplanes... and thereby defend our freedom (along with every other military person).

I get plenty of time away from the PC, btw... I run/walk a good four miles roughly every other day. You?

No need to focus on me... this thread is about... well... I've already said it. Nuff said.