Aside from all the blah, blah, blah, the biggest problem I see with this thread is the idea that being a good dogfighter equates to being a positive part of the game and deserving of something special from HTC. Bruv might be a great asset to the game, I don't know him, must be a time zone thing. Only ran into him once that I remember and my usual tactics against a Spit VIII resulted in me in the tower wondering what happened. No doubt about his and other TOC winners ability, but when I think of the folks in game that make it a positive experience, many of them are average and some below. When I think of the folks that are often not a positive part of the game, there are certainly some very skilled killers on that list.
This is way closer to a local softball league than Pro anything. The 10 guys that can put it over the fence are less benefit than the 500 folks that stink but pay all the bills and have a good time. Not that those 10 guys shouldn't be recognized for their skill and CAN be a great source for teaching the game, its just that the most beneficial and deserving player may very well be the guy with poor skills but he is there helping people, keeping it fun, running the grill at the season end BBQ and staying after to clean up.
Admittingly, very well said.

Although there is a true skilled based aspect here that tends to be somewhat absent at the local softball get-together w/ BBQ.

John Daly for his talent, skill, and drive.