Fulcrum why in the hell did u sign up to fly for those easy mode hippy geeks. Ain't none of em got sense to pour piss out of a boot......well cept for INK and Kappa and ChangeUp.......and Flench...
Ahhh...I guess this is where I start to receive the messages of love and adoration from the Muppets many fans. Excellent!
Why did I join up?
*shrug* The pay sucks..so I dunno. I am sure that signing on was, of all the sins I have committed in my 47 years on this earth, the very smallest.
Uptown, I have a challenge (not Chalenge) for you:
1.) Name one squad in this game that isn't made up of "easy mode geeks"
2.) After you name this squad, please go find a mirror
3.) Gaze deep within this mirror at your reflection.
4.) Now say
"<insert squad name here> is the only cartoon squadron in all of Cartoonland that isn't made of up of easy mode geeks." as loud as you possibly can.
5.) Please repeat this action twenty times.
If you can do this twenty times without:
a.) reflecting on how absurd it is to
even imply anything in this game is serious.
b.) considering how you are taking this game WAYYYYY too seriously
c.) appreciating that this is a video game made up of people playing roles which are caricatures of who they are in
"the real world"d.) cracking a smile at the absolute insanity of taking me up on this challenge (again, not Chalenge)..and that by doing so, you just proved b.)
e.) realizing and that your wife and/or family is likely standing behind you wondering why you are shouting
...I'll then happily reconsider your argument.
* Not going to dispute the "hippy" part...Christ...I think some of these guys were at Woodstock!