Not just a bump, but an additional argument to my cause.
The already described paradoxial and non-combat promoting zone base effect also leads to more, very unfortunate actions.
Knights had taken a Bish zone base, which retreated far away and into Me 163 territory, thus being largely safe from bombing. Nothing new so far... but:
Some Knights jumped to Bish side and first took the Bish zone base back (moving the strats back to the front) and then captured a Knight zone base (of course unopposed), triggering Knight strat retreat. Both with the clear and obvious intention of hurting the side they are flying on as much as possible. And there is nothing any Bishop could do about

(I removed the names, as this is not about the specific people, but the gameplay issue. Start your own thread if you want to 'call somebody out' and keep this one 'clean' pls.)
That's almost the same as if you could kill friendly town buildings and would switch sides to take advantage of it.
So I plead again: Please removed this flawed gameplay mechanism.