its funny what arlo no way im i biased, i want alot of other aircraft,and not just for the italians,for all sideds....but it turn out I WAS RIGHT about what i did say....just look at the previous post,he freely admits it. i am trying to save time,by adding one aircraft that would have MORE use than if we added two aircraft that will result in less use. i really dont know how much use any of these planes would get,but after playing for several years...there is a pattern. when something is introduced, its popular for a month or two and everybody tries it. then its use diminishes if it cant go toe to toe in the main arena with current popular aircraft or gv's. the sm-79 and ju-52 wont do well in the main arena for a few reasons..none of wich are historical. the ju-52 is much slower than the c-47 that is currently in game,and will probably end up being used the german halftrack vs. the m-3. the sm-79 is a slow bomber with small payload and little defensife armament,it will be an easy target in the main arena, in real life its big assets were..that it could carry torpedoes and bring them to target and survive...but put that into context as to when and where this occured and with what the enemy was using to fight it......pretty much the early war arena for us. in the late war arena,it would be toasty sndwich treats,lol. the sm-82 however would still fulfill several roles and be use full and still only be one plane added instead of two.and its funny how a bunch of responses on here wont be a good bomber for the axis.....aahhh,HELLO!!! its main role would be TRANSPORT, and since it would be about egual to the c47,it would get more use than the ju-52.....and remeber,the germans and italians used the sm-82 as a transport,it would then be a good aircraft to add as it was used by the axis and would be better in the main arena transport role than the ju-52. the fact that the sm-82 can bomb,and was used as a bomber is just an added bonus,there are other axis bombers that are better...none of which haul troops in game.