Before the radar minimums for red dot dar were changed, large groups of players snuck around the maps below 200ft and attacked fields. The highest most players bothered on average was about 12k otherwise. The NOE hoards were very successful at suddenly overwhelming an isolated field and taking it. But, you were guaranteed fights at reasonable altitudes if you could time being there just right.
During that time a cadre of voices moaned reflexively about how much more realistic MA combat "could" be if we were all flying above 15k like they did in the "real war". And the furball community would respond, "be careful what you ask for, everyone will just hide up there and not fight."
Maybe get the minimum changed from 65ft back to 200ft so everyone will hide in the bushes again. Over the last decade players have not changed in how they avoid combat. It's always the path of least resistance influenced by the current arena settings. Right now it's above 15k. Back then it was below 200ft.
So we have gone from complaining to HTC that no one wants to fight because they hide in hoards below 200ft avoiding combat. To now, we want HTC to give us red dot altitude indicators so we can make plans for catching them hiding at altitude avoiding combat. The heart of this is "avoiding combat". And then logically,,,,, Me163 everywhere for 30 perks so we can rapidly get to 30k to cut off the new generation of runstangs using the red dot altitude indicator to avoid combat?
So if they want to hide and avoid combat. Isn't it simpler for your time investment that they do it in the bushes and you need only look for flashing bases or the occasional red dot blip as someone drifts above 200ft? At least then you would know where 10-30 of them are, and willing to fight you below 10k. As it is, now altitude indicators are being asked for to counter hiding above 15k. We got to this by the radar red dot minimum reduced lower than our trees. You don't need complexity to fix this.
Low level intruder missions were not the exception to mission types during WW2.
Yup, the community keeps going around the circle. Over and Over, HTC doesn't win no matter what they do. Bunch of Bi-Pola.... hey.. wait a minute.
Seriously though, I agree with Bustr. I don't think anything needs to be changed to the radar. It's fine the way it is. It's a sandbox, use the tools provided and get the job done. Don't need things "dumbed down" or easier to get things done. While I understand the OP's wish and that his intent is to bring what he thinks would be good for the game. It wouldn't be.
Sometimes things must be experienced before someone learns, however I again, do not support this wish. I have no ill will against the OP, and he has every right to ask this wish as I do to say "no"; but I honestly believe that this wouldn't be good for the game.
Even though I have played for 6 years, there are some who would be better at explaining the bad side of this. But I will name a few.
#1 Bombers would go higher and higher so that enemies would take longer to get to them so the said bombers would have a chance to get to their target (and probably return home). Which doesn't promote combat.
#2 The immersion, even if it was possible "back in the day" to get such accurate readings from radar, it makes it too easy to find out what is going on. There is no "smoke and mirrors" or the "fog of war". So it takes all the investigative properties of a defender out of the equation, and simply gives them the answer. "Target is large enough to be a heavy bomber, 32,528 ft going 422 mph SW". Even with our current dot system of putting your cursor on the friendly and finding out who it is, some didn't like it because it was too 'gamey' it took the mystery out of it.
#3 Some if they seen an enemy too high would simply not engage that target. Instead of going out and finding out for themselves what that target is, and potentially starting combat; the combat would die before it even had a chance to start, because it was determined that the target was too high.
I'm sure there are a quite a few things I missed. Some of the oldie veterans could give a better description than I could. But still, while your intentions are good, I don't think you would see the repercussions of this wish until after the fact, but the damage would already be done by then.