Author Topic: Hey Trainers.  (Read 2758 times)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2013, 12:46:51 PM »
In all the years I've been here I haven't had a problem getting a hold of a trainer when I wanted to work on something.

For those of you bashing the trainers, you have got to remember that they are all volunteers and do this on their time. HTC has nothing to do with it. These guys take their own time and help were they can. They are not "official" in that are a hired group with a set plan like you would find at a training flight school. This is a game and they volunteer to help people get better at it.

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2013, 01:05:25 PM »
In all the years I've been here I haven't had a problem getting a hold of a trainer when I wanted to work on something.

For those of you bashing the trainers, you have got to remember that they are all volunteers and do this on their time. HTC has nothing to do with it. These guys take their own time and help were they can. They are not "official" in that are a hired group with a set plan like you would find at a training flight school. This is a game and they volunteer to help people get better at it.

I didn't see any bashing of trainers, I saw people relating their experiences with the training arena.  That's not bashing.  We understand that it's volunteers on their own time.  That doesn't mean that it could not be better organized or better advertised  so that the user community could take advantage of the trainers expertise and help make better use of their valuable time.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 01:07:51 PM by Traveler »
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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2013, 01:16:29 PM »
Its easy for guys that have been around for a while to know they can and should contact a trainer.
But when i was new it took me a year of flying before i even thought i should try and contact one,and that only happend because MtnMan offered as I'm in an old squad of his.
New guys,a lot of times don't even know to TRY and contact trainers..or atleast i did not.
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Offline morfiend

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2013, 04:04:16 PM »
Its easy for guys that have been around for a while to know they can and should contact a trainer.
But when i was new it took me a year of flying before i even thought i should try and contact one,and that only happend because MtnMan offered as I'm in an old squad of his.
New guys,a lot of times don't even know to TRY and contact trainers..or atleast i did not.

 As a trainer I wish some things were different but at the same time I also dont think I can do more than what I do now.

   I spend most weekday evenings in the TA,usually Monday through to Thursday night between 9pm and 11 pm est. I'm almost never on on the weekends and I keep Fridays open to actually play AH.

  There is the odd time where a player will drop into the TA,after I've been working in there for a couple hours and ask to for help.In these cases I'm more than happy to answer questions or give some tips but they have to understand that it's best to setup an appointment.  Even after arranging an appointment often something comes up,whether it's for the player or the trainer and it falls through.

  Could we use more trainer? I think so but it's not my call! If you think we need more trainers,well offer your services and help others out. I will caution some about this,it's best to keep it simple and basic,this is where most need the help anyways.


Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2013, 04:38:07 PM »
I didn't see any bashing of trainers, I saw people relating their experiences with the training arena.  That's not bashing.  We understand that it's volunteers on their own time.  That doesn't mean that it could not be better organized or better advertised  so that the user community could take advantage of the trainers expertise and help make better use of their valuable time.

Your bashing how they do things. I'm sure if you would like to spend hours upon hours to set up a training routine along with all the material that goes along with it print and video. Then set up a web page that has all this information readily available. Then set up an advertising campaign to "get the word out there". Nobody would stop you.

Its not that hard to find a trainer if you really want one. The problem is many people don't want to bother getting to a trainer. they would rather spend time "in the game". While the training corps and design isn't perfect, I think they have done pretty well putting it together over the years as a bunch of part timers.

I file people who complain about the trainers setup into the same groups as people who complain about new maps, or skins. These guys spend their own time and energy to help out and ya'll complain they aren't doing enough, or doing it the right way. If a guy gave you a hundred dollars would you use it, or complain because he didn't give you $200?

Offline Sunka

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2013, 04:49:11 PM »
As a trainer I wish some things were different but at the same time I also dont think I can do more than what I do now.

   I spend most weekday evenings in the TA,usually Monday through to Thursday night between 9pm and 11 pm est. I'm almost never on on the weekends and I keep Fridays open to actually play AH.

  There is the odd time where a player will drop into the TA,after I've been working in there for a couple hours and ask to for help.In these cases I'm more than happy to answer questions or give some tips but they have to understand that it's best to setup an appointment.  Even after arranging an appointment often something comes up,whether it's for the player or the trainer and it falls through.

  Could we use more trainer? I think so but it's not my call! If you think we need more trainers,well offer your services and help others out. I will caution some about this,it's best to keep it simple and basic,this is where most need the help anyways.

I did ,did not get a warm response so i moved on. Though i still offer to help new players.
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Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2013, 05:13:21 PM »
I did ,did not get a warm response so i moved on. Though i still offer to help new players.
not a warm welcome? Or just no response ? There is a difference,
,  I've sent a number of PMs to players who have requested training that go unanswered :noida,
I took it personally for a while,, then I just got over it!   I don't spend as much time in the TA as I should,, but I've never turned anyone down for training that has asked,, now or before I was a trainer,,,
I've gotten three requests in the last month or so but have yet to get with those people to give them the training they requested ,, I've PMd them ,, more than once but haven't got a response
,,, I'm in the MA most days and will go directly to the TA anytime someone asks me,,, we see each other on a regular basis and we have an appointment that as of yet hasn't been kept,,, read your PMs,,
, I know all the trainers are happy to do their job,,, but sitting here talking about them,, instead of to them,, doesn't help ,
,   PMs are what we use,, it helps to keep it one on one with the players, we don't even mind a little criticism, just PM it!    Thanks!

 Now let me know when you want your training and we will get it done,,, or just give me a shout in the game if you see me!
Flying since tour 71.

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2013, 05:14:24 PM »
Your bashing how they do things. I'm sure if you would like to spend hours upon hours to set up a training routine along with all the material that goes along with it print and video. Then set up a web page that has all this information readily available. Then set up an advertising campaign to "get the word out there". Nobody would stop you.

Its not that hard to find a trainer if you really want one. The problem is many people don't want to bother getting to a trainer. they would rather spend time "in the game". While the training corps and design isn't perfect, I think they have done pretty well putting it together over the years as a bunch of part timers.

I file people who complain about the trainers setup into the same groups as people who complain about new maps, or skins. These guys spend their own time and energy to help out and ya'll complain they aren't doing enough, or doing it the right way. If a guy gave you a hundred dollars would you use it, or complain because he didn't give you $200?

I don't see where I complained about training, perhaps you might enlighten me?  I did comment on my own experience and observation.  Not sure why you feel the need to engage in a personal attack.  
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2013, 06:36:33 PM »
An observation from someone that has been here for a long, long time (14 years or so with no gaps and I'm on EST).  I try to drop in on the TA a few times a week.    I can count on one hand the number of times that I have been in the TA and found a trainer conducting training

Sounds a bit derogatory, certainly doesn't sound like a positive comment.

 From my reading here and on other forum pages it appears that the official trainers of AH are all on individual schedules with no collective organized training schedule shared by the trainers.

not bad, doesn't really seem to slap them in the face, but is true because they are all volunteers and do work alone , with only the common goal of helping players  learn the game.

  That there is no collective effort to schedule a clinic on a weekly basis,

another slap in the face. They do what they can, as they are volunteers and have real life out side the game. 

that for the most part the trainers wing it, they do not follow a formal training plan, so someone flying with trainer one, and someone flying with Trainer two may receive totally different instructions for the same subject.   

and again giving them crap for doing the best they can with what little time they can volunteer. It's just not enough that they do what they can they MUST!!! do it better! That is what it seems you are saying in this post.

Now had you made the post more like this....

An observation from someone that has been here for a long, long time (14 years or so with no gaps and I'm on EST).  I try to drop in on the TA a few times a week.   It's unfortunate that there isn't a trainer available in there all the time. I know they are all volunteers, but maybe it's time that HTC gets involved and makes the "Trainer Corps" official. Then with resources from HTC they could create schedules so that the training arena could be staffed at all times. With this maybe weekly training clinics could be added as well. I know the trainers do the best they can with what they have, but maybe now is the time to create a full program so we can add top notch players to the game.

Just a thought.

Offline 9thAFE

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #39 on: December 10, 2013, 06:53:47 PM »
I don't think anyone here has said anything that was said intentionally to put down the training staff that we do have now. As I said before I don't think its the staff I think with some people its the whole "I want it now" which is where some of the problem exists. Of course the trainers cant be on 24 hours a day they cant be on 7 days a week.

 I do think we need to get back to having group trainings, I really think we need above and beyond just having more trainers is announcements. Not in here either but actually in the Main Arenas. Like I said I played this game awhile before I ever even got involved on the BBS, and imsure im not the only one I got squaddies that never even come here. Make public announcements or Arena Messages that automatically pop off the clipboard exactly like we have going on now with films submission announcement. Maybe if a trainer is online and available to help with training have his name on there with whatever their "specialty" in training is, or have a message stating the day and time for the next group training session and what the topic will be. The day of the training put the announcement in the chat buffer letting everyone know that its about to start.

I truly think that doing the announcements in game are what would really boost training attendance, obviously it cant be every day but if you can do it even twice a month I think the response would be there from the community. Plus it may give the opportunity for some of the players to actually meet and set up a one on one session maybe at a later day avoiding the game of tag in PM's.

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2013, 07:15:25 PM »
Sounds a bit derogatory, certainly doesn't sound like a positive comment.

None of it was a slap in the face, it was just a honest observation based on my experience.  You however appear to have an agenda in mind for HTC and the training corp becoming an official part of that business.  All I can say is after  14 years if HTC hasn’t made it official, I doubt it ever will.  After all,  why buy the cow if the milk is free?
It appears to me that no matter how anyone couched a suggestion to try to improve things,  that it would be greeted with distain and ridicule and defended with the It’s a volunteer group giving their time for free so nothing can change attitude.  Nothing I’ve said is not true based on my experience and direct observation, that is fact based in truth.
It would be nice if HTC took the responsibility for providing training but it has chosen not to do so and so we are left with an unsupervised  volunteer group that tries to fill the void, that doesn’t mean that they can’t improve or put in place the tools that may make their work easier and improve the quality of the service they provide.
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #41 on: December 10, 2013, 11:23:51 PM »
When I first started I went to the TA to ask some questions, couldn't locate a trainer and left for the MA, not to return to the TA for about 8 years.

A few of years ago I got in an argument with Widewing and we met in the TA.  He handed me my prettythang but said he'd watch the films and get back to me with suggestions.  That never happened.

A couple of years ago I asked for help with my merge leading up to the dueling bracket.  Mtnman obliged and it was a very helpful session.  We were to arrange another but after PMing him to do so he never responded.

Those are the sum of my TA experience and for the most part it hasn't been a good experience.  If others are like me then we're probably losing players who truly do want help and aren't getting it.

I posted this:
I think new players would be best helped if there was an actual, scheduled training curriculum hosted and run by the trainers in the TA.

Course topics might include topics as basic as setting up your controllers and getting off the ground to more advanced topics like BFM, bombing and dive bombing in attack mode.

Combine that with a one month free trial and an actual game manual (I printed the original out and stuck it in a three ring binder divided by topic and had it beside me every time I played starting out) and potential new subscribers wouldn't feel so lost when they first jump into the game.

I've seen guys sitting on the runway trying to figure out how to start their engine or keep their bomber moving in a straight line or going 1 mph in a GV and when I tried to help they obviously hadn't even figured out the comms system.  I'd guess most if not all of those were lost subscriptions.

It will do little good to draw a whole bunch of new people into the game only to have them leave in frustration.

In this thread:;quote=4724451;topic=356267.270;num_replies=314;sesc=2ccdce22ea5708798019f972facc552d

While I understand the trainers are volunteers they are the front line in retaining new players.  If there's no obvious way for a player to get help from them then something is broken and needs to be changed up to and possibly including HT making sure there's help for new players by hiring them.

Edited to add hyperlink to thread.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 11:35:39 PM by BaldEagl »
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #42 on: December 11, 2013, 05:29:30 AM »
I guess it's important to remember that whenever somebody engages in an unpaid task they are to be honored and praised without the burden of....candid observation? Funny how touchy some get.

I'd have welcomed having the ability to either commend or critique the efforts of those that contribute. NO experience either way. My perspective relates to access. Bear in mind, I'm typically a hardcore do it yourselfer. I'd much rather do my own learnin'. I'm not gonna chase anybody or beg. To me asking once is borderline panhandling. I've picked up a ton of stuff just reading the buffer. As a matter of fact 'bout all I know came from that and stick time. And I'm sure it shows. That and the issue of available time. Often that's limited...obviously. Everybody has a schedule. And some of ours are...unconventional. Hence the MOTD suggestion. Or buffer announcements. I for one would have been more open to that than a thousand seo invites.

I presume anybody who gets involved with the task has a pedantic or professorial streak so they're not doing it at gunpoint. As one who puts together charitable endeavors from time to time I know I value feedback that helps me do what I do better. That's why I seek it out. Seems that if so much energy is being invested it would follow that giving the effort the most effective exposure would be worth exploring.

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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #43 on: December 11, 2013, 06:24:14 AM »
In the last month I have had 5 training sessions with 3 separate players, one of them lasted for 4 hours.

I am a trainer because I want the quality of my fights to stay high, also because I want as many new and old players as possible to stick with the game. These are both selfish reasons!

Everyone sees things a little different, that is why I would suggest spreading out your training with as many people as possible.

I never had a session with a trainer in my whole game life span. I learnt everything I know from hands on experience and hard knocks. There is no reason for anyone not to do the same. If you don't feel you are learning fast enough, it's no one's fault but your own. Get in the DA and duel someone better than you, you'll find you often will get more advice than you can handle. If you want to arrange a TA session with a trainer, PM them on the forums and make it happen. This is a two way arrangement, don't expect it to be handed to you on a plate.
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Re: Hey Trainers.
« Reply #44 on: December 11, 2013, 06:41:24 AM »
I have expressed interest in being a trainer, but with Batfink I think they are at their limit for red coat quota.
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