It's not that I have anything against gvers I'm just advocating that players are somehow funneled into some sort
of engagement activity during times when there low numbers - im sure there is more than one way to do that - I like the closed
bases option as well
pretty sure gvers fly as well dont they
one thing I've found during my years in this game,, not everyone is an ace fighter pilot,, even with a lot of training some will never be great at it,, me for example,, I've adopted a style of fighting that is best suited to my ability and the planes I like to fly,,I'm not a great dog fighter ,, I do well in bombers and GVs,,I'm ok with that,,I've spent roughly 8 years driving tanks and bombing stuff into oblivian , I can get a good fighter score,, I love the jug, but it and my style will get me killed more times than not unless I stick to what I know and what I like, many GV guys don't fly at all,, yet play and contribute to the game a great deal.
At any time anyone can up a fighter or bomber and go fly towards the enemy,, but there are maps in rotation that lack more than a very few opertunities to GV,, and there are very GV freindly maps,,, but no consistency like the fighters have,, also I believe that the ability to rotate a map, at will ,,by one side or the other has created a problem,,
I'm not sure how to correct it, but I do believe the large horde is hurting player population.
I've played pretty much, all the time for 8 years, I've been part of the horde in mid war, and it is fun to win the map, if your on the winning side,, it's also fun to defend, if you have a chance of defeating the horde, right now the best way to defeat the horde seems to be resupply the town with M-3s as fast as you can,,, that's not combat,, and combat makes this game work...
This all just my opinion,, I don't have stats to back up my theories, just my observations.
One solution might be to figure out a better way to defend,,,another ,make base capture easier so it doesn't take so much organization to get a capture,,, for me, it seemed that the maps lasted a lot longer when one person could kill and capture a town singlehanded ,, and one person could prevent it!