Something I was thinking about after I posted in another thread.
The game is really struggling at the moment in the off-peak hours.With 50 people logged on the MA is not much fun .When you look at country numbers
there are about 30% of people "in flight" . So they are either in gv's or sitting in the tower looking for something to do , or afk.
The usual pattern is a bunch of gv'ers wandering around somewhere , 10 people in buffs bombing strats and undefended fields,
leaving about 6 or 7 people flying fighter planes looking for some sort of fight or engagement.
So what typically happens is I log on - look around the map - see occasional little blips of radar across the map (buffs usually)
so I either log off , fly around for a while bored , or go make a coffee , (1 more sitting in the tower).
I know people whine about the old days all the time , but this didnt happen in the old days because "everyone" was flying a plane.
So I was thinking of a couple of solutions.
1. Numbers in MA hit < 75 , GV's are unavailable.
2. Numbers in MA <75 , Map switches automatically to a small map (finish the war - give everyone some perks)
This problem at the moment is self-perpetuating , less people in the air = no fights = less people logging on to fly.
I know this will probably sound silly to some an unplalatable to others , but I can't see the numbers heading anywhere but down given where they are at now. At it's heart and soul Aces High has always been about Air Combat , we need some off-peak.
The game used to have a pretty strong community of people outside the US flying in off-peak , along with the shift workers an US night owls , they are dissappearing.
I agree with you that we need to do something to re-generate some interest in off hours. I know that I will get some negative feed back, but I think that Hi Tech needs to make the game more attractive by expanding the overall aspects of the game. Sure, the new terrain will help some, but some of the suggestions that I have posted in the "wish" section, the addition of the LST's, the addition of the manufacturing plant,(suggested by someone else), connected to rail yards are two that come to mind right now. The factory idea would certainly add a whole new perspective to the game, as it could be assaulted with not only aircraft, but tanks and or surface vessels. Submarines would also be a good addition also.
I know this game was built as a "flight" simulator, using WW2 aircraft and is by far the best on line, but I would bet that we are not tapping over 5% of the players who would play, if we had a more expanded Navy presents, not to mention, foot soldiers. Wouldn't it be a "hoot" to have, when you are a foot soldier, a WW2 bazooka instead of a .45 pistol. Then we would have a real reason for the Pentil guns on the GV's.
Just my thoughts!
Now that my wife, Barbara is confined to a nursing home, with no hopes of ever coming home again, this game is the only thing which I look forward each day and I respect each and every player in this game. (Just wish they would quit shooting down my bombers, LOL)