To summarize: Hordes rule the day. But not good fighting hordes. Rather the kind of hordes who direct all their effort into avoiding any kind of combat at all. And now there is a new way to prolong the torture of the side who is getting gang raped by the other two sides.
This is the reason I decided to unsub last month. I needed a break from the game, but the longer I'm gone, and the more I think about it, the less I want to return.
In my opinion the game play is exactly as described here -- stagnant. The "culture" of the different sides, has stagnated the MA. All sides are NOT the same, because the style of play of various squads is quite different -- and most don't switch sides. This make it true that the best "fights" are usually on the Knit/Rook front and the style of game play of the largest Bish squads is simply not fun fighting most of the time. It's always horde or hide for them. Their consistent bombing and bailing and suicide style play is really the worst. Sadly the Jokers and Alchemists, now with the former vGuys added to their ranks, perpetuate this in two ways 1) that they never switch sides and 2) new players start Bish, join their mission and get recruited, so it tends teach and encourage this style of play. I know new players who were taught to bomb and bail by them. They have no interest in what type of game their behavior makes for the rest of the community, so sadly this will not change.
I love flying and fighting in Aces High. I just hate the Main Arena game play now. Flying FSO, training with my squad, helping out in the TA, all those things are fun, but most of my squad (and a lot of FSO participants from what I see) don't bother with the MA because it is so bad. The MA should be the heart and soul of the game. It is where most players spend most of their time, especially NEW players. Sadly, it shows the worst of the game more often than not.
Until bomb-and-bailing is a thing of the past, I have very little enthusiasm to re-activate my account and fly Aces High again. I'd like to see something that penalizes the 1000lber kamikazes (like perked heavy ords). I'd really love to see some sort of "aircraft-in-flight" limits per base too, to thin the hordes some. These things have all been suggested before. I'd resub the moment these were put into effect. As it is, meh, Aces High was fun for a while.
My two cents.