Another wish for the ability to game the game. *sigh* First, aircraft didn't just dump fuel. They horded as much as they could for reasons many players can't seem to grasp.
May I suggest for anyone who really thinks that it makes much of a difference, as in thin red line/life or death difference, in the performance of the plane you're in to seriously stop and think about your ability as a player-pilot. If dumping fuel in you wee little La7 from 75% to 25% keeps you alive... or you *think* it keeps you alive then you're drastically over estimating the ability of an aircraft to compensate for your lack of suckage in terms of ACM's and survivability.
FWIW, I think DT's should not be an option unless 100% fuel is taken, and I think an aircraft's ability to take only 25% should be reconsidered, up it to 50% I say.