Thanks for the enthusiasm, and patience

We are wrapping up the order of battle, and it will be announced early January (

Overall, however, here's the concept. We are going to tour the Pacific. 4 Frames, 4 different terrains, 4 different battles.
Each fight will be unique, relying on a very strong leadership team to be flexible and adapt to an ever changing battle field.
One frame will be a large attack and retaliation effort, another frame will be an occupation effort, a third frame will be fleet to fleet and massive dogfight, and a fourth will be a major bombing campaign. Each side will be given their bodies and planes, with a general guideline for plane ratios, then it will be up to them to fight each battle, assigning their players as needed. Sometimes there will be torpedos or heavy bombers, other times not. We've tried to focus one frame on the major elements, such as an entire frame focusing primarily on dog fights, another focused on escorted bombers. There will be early to late war plane progression.
This has been something I've been concocting for years, and really was geared more for a 6 frame event, but we'll see how it works in 4 and if you all enjoy the concept, perhaps we can expand on it in future scenarios.
One thing we are looking for here is to provide as many options for you to participate,without getting stuck in routine. 4 frames of bomber duty is all well and good if you are into the heavy metal like I am, but I do know it can get dull, so let's mix it up.
This one is going to take some high caliber planning and a very strong team to pull off the changes. I know the scenario junkies around here can pull it off though.
Hope to roll this out as soon as possible. We brought this out as a concept a while back.