Author Topic: When's the next scenario?  (Read 9833 times)

Offline ReVo

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #60 on: February 14, 2014, 08:15:44 PM »
US air power at Pearl was essentially non-existent after the first few minutes. Unless you're going to significantly weaken field ack, have them line up on the runway, and enforce a no take-off rule until the first cannon shells stitch their way across the P-40s' wings, its not historical.

Strictly speaking, pearl harbor should just be a test of the Axis's ability to bomb and torpedo targets while under threat from ground-fire, nothing more.

The TBM's deck speed is more than 50mph greater than the TBD's top speed. This is not insignificant, and is still worth pointing out, regardless of previous performance, as the A6M2 (and I severely doubt you will be kind enough to give us A6M3's) is only around 20mph greater than the TBM's at the altitude I suspect we'll end up having to kill them at.

My only consolation is that the only fighters we will be facing is P-40's and F4F's for the majority of the scenario.

I agree with some of your comments however I think we can allow for a bit of leeway on the Pearl Harbor bit. Scenario's aren't meant to adhere to history 100%. Otherwise it would just be a re-enactment and we would know who was going to win right from the start. In the case of Pearl Harbor I think with just a bit of imagination you can see how things might have unfolded a little differently allowing more warning and giving pilots time to get their birds off the ground.
XO Jagdgeschwader 53 'Pik As'

Offline Brooke

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #61 on: February 14, 2014, 08:27:31 PM »
US air power at Pearl . . .

As stated by another poster, a Pearl frame is not a re-enactment, but an event themed on the battle.  No scenarios are re-enactments, and almost all of them make modifications for play balance.  A large number of WWII air battles were enormously unbalanced and would not be fun to play out.

The TBM's deck speed is . . .

Yes, there are of course performance differences.  The things that matter are, however:
-- Do we have a TBD?  No.
-- What is the closest US substitute?  The TBM.
-- If we use the TBM, does it unbalance the event or make it unworkable?  No -- as proven in past scenarios beyond a doubt.

Offline Brooke

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #62 on: February 14, 2014, 08:43:01 PM »
Forgive me if I have my doubts.

Go ahead and have your doubts, but that assumption about frame 4 is still incorrect.

My dear Brooke, I only base my assumptions on past experience.

My experience and yours are vastly different, then.

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #63 on: February 14, 2014, 08:58:10 PM »
My only consolation is that the only fighters we will be facing is P-40's and F4F's for the majority of the scenario.

Who's we?  I thought you said you weren't playing.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline ROC

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #64 on: February 14, 2014, 11:33:01 PM »
The cool thing about trying to recreate the feel of the Pearl Harbor attack is seeing how easy it is for the rhetoric and rumor mill to be running the same as it did at the time.
No one is going to know exactly what will happen, when and how the players can or will react until it actually happens :)  Frankly, the build up to the actual attack was rampant with rumors, demands to position and reposition assets, complaints about the conditions at the base and a great many other things that impacted the assault.  Until the attack unfolds, it's all speculation and gossip.  This one is going to drag you through the emotional roller coaster and spit you out the other end.  Some are going to grow from the experience, some are going to crack, some are going to quit, some are going to go into the battle with the out come predetermined, and others will rise up and fight like they have never fought before. 
All as planned.  Some will rise to the occasion, others will not.
Tank Ace, you are playing the event already, whether you know it or not.  The outcome is not determined yet. Carry on.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline kilo2

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #65 on: February 15, 2014, 12:03:08 AM »
That is an interesting take on things ROC.
X.O. Kommando Nowotny

"Never abandon the possibility of attack."

Offline Shooter503

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #66 on: February 15, 2014, 11:34:57 AM »
Can I drive the truck down the runway at Wheeler!
JG11 Sonderstaffel "White 11" 2008-2011
412th  FNVG 2017-

Offline swareiam

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #67 on: February 15, 2014, 12:48:48 PM »

I believe what you will find in this scenario is exposure to four years of all out air war in four weekends. The scenario staff works very hard to develop the best events possible for your personal enjoyment. Yes, there are limitations to what can be produced. Everyone participating in these type events needs to understand that there are certain bounds by which history can not be replayed or re enacted.

The single most important priority to the Scenario Staff is your fun and enjoyment of AH scenarios. The scenario team has had a lot of previous experience in scenario and other events in developing and delivering really great events to the AH community.

So, look for the fun and not the frustration in the setup or the absence of the exact history.

Once you are in the air and the first round is fired the fun will begin and we'll forget about any flaws that are unearthed. A large portion of the time associated with setting up a scenario is combing for setup flaws. Minus general human error, I believe that ROC runs a very tight ship when it comes to production and delivery of scenario events.

The scenario team appreciates everyones inputs and welcomes everyone to continue to stay engaged. You guys start to rally the troops and standby for registration to open. Don't forget to read through the scenario write ups to get all the information you can.

This is going to be fun.  :aok

"Clear Prop!"

AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
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Offline ghostdancer

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #68 on: February 15, 2014, 04:06:43 PM »
I don't know what ROC, Brooke, Redtail and others have design the Pearl Harbor component of their scenario. But back in the Air Warrior days we did a Pearl Harbor scenario and it was surprising. Basically the US was not allowed to launch until a confirmed siting of an actual Japanese plane. If I remember right we had a C47s up to simulate normal air patrols and such (I think like 8).

The Japanese made a mistake and tripped the C47s patrols about 20 minutes or so before the attack. If I remember right I think one or more of their pilots didn't follow their CiC's flight plan but went on a more direct route and crossed the path of a patrol plane on the North side of the island. It allowed the US to launch planes about 15 - 20 minutes before the Japanese planes showed up. Yes, the US didn't have alt but not getting caught launching or just after launching made a HUGE difference. That frame was fought to a draw if I remember right.

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Offline killrDan

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #69 on: February 16, 2014, 05:40:19 PM »
Battle Over the Winter Line - II.SG4 GL

Offline Muzzy

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #70 on: February 22, 2014, 08:03:54 PM »
I'm definitely in on this one. :)

CO 111 Sqdn Black Arrows

Wng Cdr, No. 2 Tactical Bomber Group, RAF, "Today's Target" Scenario. "You maydie, but you will not be bored!"

Offline bangsbox

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #71 on: February 25, 2014, 06:51:47 PM »
Port moresby frame! P38g p39d and early p40 (Maybe hurricane 1) vs zero val Betty Kate and ki43. Also  I'm really getting antsy for the next scenario

Offline DubiousKB

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #72 on: February 26, 2014, 04:08:54 PM »
Can I play too?   :aok My only experience thus far was getting thrust into BoB-2014 during my third week of play.  :x It was AWESOME  :banana:

I have all the faith in the world when it comes to our events community. I'm certain they will do their best to ensure both sides enjoys a little time in the cartoon sky. Life is unfair gents, take what you can get when you can get it!

Looking forward to this!!!  :salute
56th Fighter Group -  Jug Life

Offline BFOOT1

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #73 on: February 26, 2014, 10:18:11 PM »

I believe what you will find in this scenario is exposure to four years of all out air war in four weekends. The scenario staff works very hard to develop the best events possible for your personal enjoyment. Yes, there are limitations to what can be produced. Everyone participating in these type events needs to understand that there are certain bounds by which history can not be replayed or re enacted.

The single most important priority to the Scenario Staff is your fun and enjoyment of AH scenarios. The scenario team has had a lot of previous experience in scenario and other events in developing and delivering really great events to the AH community.

So, look for the fun and not the frustration in the setup or the absence of the exact history.

Once you are in the air and the first round is fired the fun will begin and we'll forget about any flaws that are unearthed. A large portion of the time associated with setting up a scenario is combing for setup flaws. Minus general human error, I believe that ROC runs a very tight ship when it comes to production and delivery of scenario events.

The scenario team appreciates everyones inputs and welcomes everyone to continue to stay engaged. You guys start to rally the troops and standby for registration to open. Don't forget to read through the scenario write ups to get all the information you can.

This is going to be fun.  :aok

"Clear Prop!"


Scenarios are my favorite! I've never done a Pacific themed yet so it will be interesting to see my what my writings are like. DGSII was by far my favorite scenario of all time. Fighting against Ditto and the Luftwaffe at 30,000 feet was a blast  :cheers:
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Offline KCDitto

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Re: When's the next scenario?
« Reply #74 on: February 27, 2014, 12:19:25 AM »
I too enjoyed it.

I will be flying IJN in this one.... So if you manage to kill me, I will not count it towards our USAAF vs LUFTWAFFE fight   :salute

Ditto  "WHITE 11" JG 11
Battle of Britain Scenario