I'm curious...
On the large maps, will the area's be zoned like before? Or will it still be this set of strats, only scattered? An idea is; If it's going to be where we have multiple zones, you could keep the Captial (aka: Mega Strat) in the back for the rear fields. Just break things up for the forward fields like in the past. The only change would be to the City strats on the front to only affect town downtimes while the current setup for the Industrial Center remains the same (which would be rear field towns/HQ downtime). For small maps, you could just have the city strat by the HQ with the other strats scattered along. I hope that the city strats will take on a new look, and even vary between small, medium*, and large maps.
*Now that I think about it, do we really have ANY map that could be considered "medium"?