Author Topic: Fighting  (Read 9162 times)

Offline ink

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2014, 04:07:02 PM »
I guess it kind of does.  That's funny right there.   :rofl

it really does dude...I tried to finish it off as a song....... I just suk at writing, even pulled up the "green eggs and ham" song to get it but I really cant should finish it as a song :rock

Offline BnZs

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2014, 04:10:51 PM »
The game is about successfully applying tactics and strategies from real ACM with high-fidelity simulations of WWII aircraft. In that light neither mindless suicidalism nor gangpicking 5 on one is quite the right feel. For me, the most satisfying achievement was always defeating a much more maneuverable fighter 1v1 with well-applied energy tactics. That is even a better feeling than winning a similar plane duel IMHO.
"Crikey, sir. I'm looking forward to today. Up diddly up, down diddly down, whoops, poop, twiddly dee - decent scrap with the fiendish Red Baron - bit of a jolly old crash landing behind enemy lines - capture, torture, escape, and then back home in time for tea and medals."

Offline Pepprr

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #32 on: January 10, 2014, 04:18:10 PM »

things in game that are tardly

being the 5-6-7-8-9-10- ECT con on a nme......

This is the one that really gets me.  AKDoggs main rule was always "no more than two guys on a con".  That is how I learnt to fly and that is how I still fly.   Meanwhile little Johnny is within view on the deck and has 4 guys trying to kill him but everyone is busy with the other guy.  hmmm...but there is an easy one must be   To me, that is the tardliest thing in this game, especially when the 10th one comes in and ho's the poor bastage... :lol

Other than that, I don't care about landing kills, or score...obviously  :uhoh.  I just enjoy the fighting!  Even if I am outnumbered and can't possibly make it home, I fly a slow plane...I'm not running   Besides, how else will I improve my SA?   :D   Usually the only time I go to land is when I am out of ammo, fuel  or too damaged to fight any longer.   


My vids :)

Offline morfiend

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #33 on: January 10, 2014, 04:44:29 PM »
  Keep your left up and circle to the right,always keep your head moving....

  Oh wrong kind of fighting..... :D


Offline muzik

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #34 on: January 10, 2014, 05:03:21 PM »
Why don't more players stay in an aerial fight during gameplay in any aerial situation?


In an attempt and changing some gameplay and maybe even some attitudes about the fight to help keep people we already have and to keep new folks interested in getting better.

How many years can an intelligent adult stand playing in furball lake? It's fun for a while, but it is very lame, no complexity, no historical immersion, etc. etc.

Some play AH like an xbox game and fly with imaginary testicles; no fear of death, cartoon bravado and chips on your shoulders.

I truly enjoy every aspect of this game including all of the above at times but I do not want to spend my entire gaming life doing the exact same things and getting the exact same results year after year. The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

I've heard every complaint there is in this game and almost every bit of it is one sided nonsense from a single perspective. Those that complain about "the fight" have a very weak, yet somewhat valid gripe. They are typically moderately to very talented vets who are addicted to the ultimate fight but cant find it because when they do find someone willing to engage them, they find it easy and unfulfilling. Or if they find a fight on their level and it lasts too long, they get picked and blame the community for their failing.

I don't like everything I see in this game either but it's the game set up, not the players fault. If anyone wants to see people come to, and stay in this game, then maybe the community should consider lobbying htc to re-design the game in a way that intentionally satisfies specific player game preferences instead of adding new planes to an aging game model.

Today's younger players only want something that they can "win " at, and don't care about what the game is really about.

There are adults that come to this game looking for something that you aren't, a somewhat realistic hint of the ww2 experience and not the spawn and die bashfests you find in most first person shooters.

Like I said, everything in AH is fun at times, but not everyone wants the same old thing day after day. Some don't ever want the free for alls that are the majority of MA fights. They see it as childish, unruly and gamey.

When AH has the ability to attract and retain players of all types then you will have more of what you prefer.

as a kid growing up, I idolized WW2 fighter pilots from any country and I loved the planes....

...Playing Aces High isn't about winning, it's about a code of honor and true competition between people, done fairly with no advantages being taken, just pure unadulterated combat. They don't understand that a fight well fought, win or lose, is a victory in a GAME.

Some of those fighter pilots you idolize would be insulted by anyone comparing what they went through to this game.

Some of them would just laugh it off and never tell you what they really think.

All of them who ever came close to losing their lives or lost friends, would be unimpressed by this cartoon code of honor because you don't have to fear for your life.

So if I were to show a WW2 vet this game, I would do it with a TON of humility and I would say nothing about idealistic fair fights, complain about HOing or runners afraid to fight. Because they did ALL of that.

And if anything you do in this game could impress any of them, I would bet that more often than not, flying in AH as if you wanted to be a professional as they were would be top of the list.

It's too bad we cant attract more people like the ones you idolized because the game model panders mostly to the gamers.
Fear? You bet your life...but that all leaves you as you reach combat. Then there's a sense of great excitement, a thrill you can't duplicate's actually fun. Yes, I think it is the most exciting fun in the world. — Lt. Col. Robert B. "Westy" Westbrook, USAAF 6/<--lol@mod

Offline LCADolby

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2014, 05:10:18 PM »
You forgot to mention "the path of least resistance" :old:
JG5 "Eismeer"
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Offline Crash Orange

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2014, 05:11:21 PM »
Minus the whine comment this post is interesting.  In this analogy, one must assume that all the players are roughly the same skill level thus creating a fun game of equal chance with zero chance of anyone being killed (removed from the game), thus all players can contribute now or later in the game.

Why would you assume amateur basketball players are any more equally skilled than AH players?

In either one more evenly matched numbers makes for a more fun and interesting game for BOTH sides.

And there is a HUGE middle ground between "I have no skillz and can't hope to survive outside a horde" and "I can usually dispatch 5 other planes solo even if they start with an alt and E advantage". The latter is maybe 0.5% of the player base, if that - a handful of pilots out of thousands. Even for most good - not top 0.5%, but decent - sticks a 5-1 is just a matter of seeing how long it takes to get killed and maybe, if you're lucky, taking one with you. That skill level certainly includes me. If I'm stuck in that situation I'll do as well as I can as long as I can, but if I'm NOT stuck in it I see no reason to give a bunch of skill-less gangers an easy kill. To me that's just smart play. And yes, it IS a game, and we are playing it. If you think otherwise you're just being foolish.

And most of the armchair heroes who love to boast in the forums about how they "LIVE FOR THE FIGHT!!!!"  are just blowhards and liars. I'm in the MA often enough to see how you wusses really play. 9 out of 10 are really alt monkeys, picktards, horde weenies, and landing vulchers in the MA. There are a few exceptions and for them I  :salute but among the many forum blowhards they are few and far between.

Offline VuduVee

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #37 on: January 10, 2014, 05:13:57 PM »
answer A is out of the question for me. for some reason, landing 2 kills seems like a give up. imo its desperation to have your name in lights. everytime i only have 2 kills i consider skidding off the runway or rearming. for me, B is answer number 1.  being maybe an avg skilled fighter, i sometimes dont know im at a disadvantage and unwittingly stay when i should haul bellybutton and get some E in the bank or drag the lame chaser out for a 1v1. im just getting to the point where i can judge the E state of multiple reds.  for me, AH is a place that i can compete and try my best to outthink and outfly people. personally, i think im in the minority in having that idea. so many people could care less about testing their skill or wits. they really only care about the bottomline, get that kill, no matter what it takes, like its a job and your family starves if you dont. its dissappointing when you see a player who has been in game for yrs and yrs that still use every sorry tactic they can. their answer is  A. imo, these people have no sense of challenge and i question the real life character of these people who always want, easy.

Offline SPKmes

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2014, 05:32:20 PM »
all at one time or another...just depends on my mood
except D .... Although I would like to have a great score.... my dumb bellybutton need for red gets me lifting at a capped field....
instant self induced frustration...
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 05:38:26 PM by SPKmes »

Offline HL117

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #39 on: January 10, 2014, 05:45:37 PM »
  Immature Player =  I just got killed, that sucks I am a loser, I must find a way to avoid getting killed.

  Mature Player = I just got killed, man that was Great fight, just learned I shouldn't pull up when in that position against the KI84, think I will find him and try it again a bit differently this time <evil grin>.

NOTE: I should clarify maturity does not neccesarily have anything to do with age of the player.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 05:55:28 PM by HL117 »
Whether you think you can or cannot, you are right!

Offline Fulcrum

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #40 on: January 10, 2014, 06:13:46 PM »
There are so many players in this game and almost as many styles of play.  Some play for the thrill of a good 1v1 or multi-v-1 fight, and some want to BnZ.  Others want to bomb or be a part of base captures.  Still others want to fight in tanks.  Some care about landing kills and will secure advantages before entering a fight, others are uncaring and simply want the adrenaline rush of the action.

How about we all recognize that every player pays 15 dollars a month and so have the right to play the game the way they want? Then maybe we can all relax and enjoy playing the game the way we want to without regard to how others do so.  Wouldn't that be great?  

Will you still get mad when you get picked or HOed sometimes? Sure! I'm not saying fly around with flowers in your hair making peace signs...I'm saying control what you can control and relax about the rest....get over it and move on.  

And lets stop with the hand-wringing about the state of the AH player now vs. the "Days Of Olde Whenst Titans Did Roam the Cartoon Maps of AH".   Ye gods that gets old too...
Going by "Hoplite" now. :)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #41 on: January 10, 2014, 06:27:28 PM »
Some of these replies are just..... well not well thought out.

Nobody said anything about mimicking WWII pilots, it was said they idolized them. I don't think anyone compares this GAME with what went on in WWII. Anyone who thinks that or continues to use that comparison is an idiot.

We are talking in a general way here unless your talking about yourself. Lets not "nit pick" peoples opinions.

Personally I agree with INK and Coperhead about the "honor" a person has and whether or not it comes through in the game. Some don't like me here, some don't like what I say, but I say what I mean and my story doesn't change from day to day. I'm honest to a fault, sometimes a bit brutally, but that is me in real life and in the game. No false persona here. I'd love to meet semp in real life just to test the theory.

As for the game, I think all of the answers fit one person or another in the game. I like to fight, but if I'm out of ammo, fuel, or enough parts to make fighting not worth it I will try to leave the fight and land/ditch. Other than that I'm in the fight for the long haul, 1 vs 1 or 5 vs 1. I may not get them, but I'll give it my best. After all I have a brite new shiny plane waiting for me in the hanger.

I find it funny how some people defend "lame" game play. Maybe it's that lack of honor thing, maybe it's a lack of skill, or maybe it's a lack of ambition to do better. what ever the reason, they have got to know it's like watching a sitcom for the rest of us.  

And the old "It's my $15 dollars...." excuse.... err cop out  :rolleyes: If a player who is paying his $15 a month is breaking the TOS agreement, or going overboard on 200, does he get a free pass BECAUSE he pays? No of course not. The same can be said about people going overboard in lame game play. Just because they PAY to play doesn't mean they can do anything they want. Now, it not up to us "the players" to decide if these players have gone overboard. However it should be (and Im sure it is) something that HTC keeps an eye on. After all if the arenas turn into "cesspools" who going to stay and play?

With that being said, everyone has the right to play how they want....with in reason. HTC decides what is "with in reason".

Offline WEZEL

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #42 on: January 10, 2014, 06:31:39 PM »

Offline JUGgler

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Re: Fighting
« Reply #43 on: January 10, 2014, 06:56:08 PM »
The only problem with the game and the inspiration to battle it out is.... every single thing about the structure and what motivates peeps to participate in this game, other than that it is awesome!!  :aok

                      OH! and this

Start playing to WIN!  Stop playing to NOT LOSE!!

If you don't get it, then you don't get it!   :devil

It's in the sig  :aok

« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 06:58:50 PM by JUGgler »
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Re: Fighting
« Reply #44 on: January 10, 2014, 07:34:05 PM »
Chest thumpers are in full Kong mode I see  :cry

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