With the new Terrain engine in the works, I was thinking about how you could make a game world the size of AH, but allow for the terrain showing up in the Ground Combat competitors.
After watching some Closed Beta from Warthunder, it was shown in the video how the Tank map is a small area (no more then a few miles wide) that has very high detail and poly counts +many rocks/trees and bushes, while the rest of the map is much lower in detail. Now the new terrain video that HTC put out a few weeks back does not look that far off from the aircraft parts of WT maps (Big

for that Hitech as I know you have huge maps compared to WT), would it be possible for a similar area in AH?
All I wish for is a small area of the map where, there are rolling hills, dry river beds, rock outcrops and small cliffs where tanks can play. It would be part of a Tank town in the center of most maps.
This is just an Idea and I am not sure how possible it is.
Oh and in-case anyone is not visualizing the differences: