Almost forgot, about the perk cost - KEEP IT PERKED!
Drones are abused as F*** in AH since they cost nothing and K/D is not counted in bomber score. Mossie XVI free drones will be treated as disposable mules and what we DON'T want to see are free formations of XVIs lobbing 3 cookies a-piece at towns, bases, and carriers, with very limited ability to intercept them before they drop. For the players that use them this way, it matters not whether they survive after the drop. If they are shot down, it only makes their return trip shorter, so they can up again and lob another 3 cookies at your town/field/CV.
At 20 perk price tag, losing a formation is 60 perks which stings. This is a good thing, because the formation is not disposeable and a player will want to keep his drones alive and RTB. Losing a single XVI is only 20 perks and bomber perks are cheap, so taking a single perked XVI is affordable.
IF there was a way to perk formation drones, then getting the lead XVI for free may have been a viable option, but a free formation of XVIs will be abused.
Hmmmm.... interesting. I had forgotten that it is blockbuster bomb... 
I'll give it a try next time...
Blast radius in AH increase with weight. This baby is 4000 lbs so it starts with a huge radius. On top of that, it is a "HC" variant which increase the radius to 125% of the normal (reduce damage to 75% of 4000lbs, but who cares). Now remember that +25% from a lot is more than +25% from a little, to it makes the large blast radius into a huge radius. Area goes like the radius
squared, so this little baby can cover a really large number of structures, field guns and ground vehicles in the blast area

Often, you catch so many structures in the blast that even though it does only about 3000 lbs of damage, you can land more than 6000 lbs of damage from this single bomb. Then you have the two 500 lbs on the wings to mop up with.