Author Topic: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI  (Read 3028 times)

Offline tuton25

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Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« on: February 10, 2014, 08:02:59 PM »
This ride really doesn't warrant a perk cost. It has a bellow average bomb load, no defensive armament, and is easily beaten when jumped by fighters. The only thing it has is its speed, the fastest prop bomber in the game. With a perk cost no one takes it on low altitude precision bombing, something it was known for. The only time you take it up high is over the strats, and that puts you in 163 territory. To me its skills have been over exaggerated similar to the spit 14....
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Offline GhostCDB

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 08:20:21 PM »
It carries 4k in a single bomber, so with the drones you do the math.
It is one of the fastest planes in-game, let alone bombers.
If you are above 25k, unless someone meets up with you that is higher or close to co-alt it is near impossible to catch the Mossie 16.

I think the perk cost is good, regardless of the things you said.

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Offline tuton25

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 08:33:14 PM »
Lancaster carries 14k...
Even with all that speed, the Icons don't allow you to run away very well...
Not very may climb to above 12k for bombing non-strats...
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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 08:44:23 PM »
Lancaster carries 14k...
Even with all that speed, the Icons don't allow you to run away very well...
Not very may climb to above 12k for bombing non-strats...

Current perk price is reasonable given the capabilities of the aircraft.
XO Jagdgeschwader 53 'Pik As'

Offline Fish42

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2014, 08:47:16 PM »
Lancaster carries 14k...
Even with all that speed, the Icons don't allow you to run away very well...
Not very may climb to above 12k for bombing non-strats...

It is perked for a good reason. It has a good chance to make it to target and back again with a large loadout and small chance of an intercept.

If people want to throw away perks by not climbing to alt with this buff then so be it. Its like saying 262s suck in a furball because people try to turn fight with it.

With the TU-2/B-26/He111/Betty why do you want to use a Mossie XVI at low alt?

Offline Karnak

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2014, 10:14:43 PM »
This ride really doesn't warrant a perk cost. It has a bellow average bomb load, no defensive armament, and is easily beaten when jumped by fighters. The only thing it has is its speed, the fastest prop bomber in the game. With a perk cost no one takes it on low altitude precision bombing, something it was known for. The only time you take it up high is over the strats, and that puts you in 163 territory. To me its skills have been over exaggerated similar to the spit 14....
I am not aware of all that much use of the Mk XVI as a low altitude bomber.  Most of the low altitude precision work by Mosquitoes was done by the Mosquito Mk VI (which we also have) or sometimes the Mosquito Mk IV (which we don't have but will hopefully some day).

The Mk XVI was mostly used to bomb strategic targets from high altitude where it was almost impossible to intercept with anything short of an Me262.

The altitude I normally drop from in a Mk XVI is 28,000ft.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 10:16:26 PM by Karnak »
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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2014, 10:56:35 PM »
I usually use a single plane to drop ordnance or troops at a field. That's tactical bombing, and damn effective. What's not effective is going in at 4k to drop the VH, or come in at medium altitude and hit the town, which I suspect is what you mostly want to do.

Let me just say the Mossie XVI would be just about the only bomber you see used for NOE raids.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

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Offline tuton25

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2014, 11:22:55 PM »
I am not aware of all that much use of the Mk XVI as a low altitude bomber.  Most of the low altitude precision work by Mosquitoes was done by the Mosquito Mk VI (which we also have) or sometimes the Mosquito Mk IV (which we don't have but will hopefully some day).

The Mk XVI was mostly used to bomb strategic targets from high altitude where it was almost impossible to intercept with anything short of an Me262.

The altitude I normally drop from in a Mk XVI is 28,000ft.

This particular aircraft is, according to "Mosquito" by Sharp & Bowyer, ML963, 8K-K "King" of 571 Squadron, the picture having been taken on 30 September 1944, after the aircraft had completed repairs at Hatfield. ML963 was first issued to 109 Squadron on 9 March 1944, going on to 692 Squadron on the 24th of the same month, and then on to 571 on 19 April 1944. It was damaged in action on 12 May 1944 but returned to the Squadron on 23 October of that year. Barry Blunt's history of 571 Squadron says ML963 completed 84 operations with the Squadron, 31 of them to Berlin (one of the others was a low-level sortie to skip-bomb a 4,000 lb bomb into the Bitburg Tunnel, undertaken on New Year's Day, 1945. The crew were Flt Lt Norman J Griffiths & Flg Off WR Ball). Its final sortie came on 10/11 April 1945, when it was abandoned following an engine fire. The crew of F/O R.D. Oliver and F/S L.M. Young both returned safely to the Squadron later that month
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Offline tuton25

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2014, 11:25:51 PM »
I usually use a single plane to drop ordnance or troops at a field. That's tactical bombing, and damn effective. What's not effective is going in at 4k to drop the VH, or come in at medium altitude and hit the town, which I suspect is what you mostly want to do.

Let me just say the Mossie XVI would be just about the only bomber you see used for NOE raids.

I don't see why you would use a Mossie XVI since it can't shoot back (in large NOE raids)....
Why wouldn't you take a fast, well defended bomber like a B-26 and take almost twice the bombload???
If it was unperked it would see about as much use as the Boston 3....
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2014, 11:55:10 PM »
In the time you can get a Lancaster formation to 30k you can make at least two sorties in a Mossie XVI (and probably three) at the same alt. It's perked, but it's not expensive. Using a Mossie XVI to drop ord or troops is rather a stretch. At altitude it is not a very accurate bomber unless you have lined up from a long distance. This is the bomber I use for bombing and I have yet to be caught with it. I once had a 262 chase me all the way home and he was so bent on getting a kill he died in the ack trying to shoot me on the rearm pad. Yes, I was home and on the rearm pad before a 262 caught me. That's why it's perked.
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2014, 12:10:12 AM »
If it was unperked it would see about as much use as the Boston 3....

Not even close.

The bomber's I used to fly the most were Lancs, AR234's and Bostons.  Bostons don't have the speed, range or ord carrying capability of the Mossie.  In fact, of the three, the Mossie is closest to the AR234 in overall capability.
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Offline bozon

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2014, 02:59:49 AM »
I usually use a single plane to drop ordnance or troops at a field. That's tactical bombing, and damn effective. What's not effective is going in at 4k to drop the VH, or come in at medium altitude and hit the town, which I suspect is what you mostly want to do.

Let me just say the Mossie XVI would be just about the only bomber you see used for NOE raids.
Dude, for the purpose of town busting from medium altitudes the XVI mossie with without peers. That supersized beer keg it carriers in the bay was not called the block buster for nothing. Players have no clue how to use this plane. For tactical bombing leave the drones at home and come with a single plane. It is FAR more survivable in a fighter environment than any Lanc formation, will climb to 10k AGL in just over 3 minutes and will RTB at 400+ mph (shallow dive) to make another run, while the lanc formation is still trying to make a 15miles radius turn towards the target.

Two (singles) of these babies can flatten a town by themselves. My record is 23 structures and field guns destroyed by one(!) cookie. The system messages overflowed the (expanded) text buffer and I had to scroll back in order to count the messages :) Satisfaction cannot describe it. On that sortie I dropped from 12k through a fighters CAP, threw off a high P-51 that jumped me immediately after the drop and made it home without a scratch.

Defensive guns are just a distraction from the main mission.
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline artik

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2014, 03:19:34 AM »
Dude, for the purpose of town busting from medium altitudes the XVI mossie with without peers. That supersized beer keg it carriers in the bay was not called the block buster for nothing. Players have no clue how to use this plane. For tactical bombing leave the drones at home and come with a single plane. It is FAR more survivable in a fighter environment than any Lanc formation, will climb to 10k AGL in just over 3 minutes and will RTB at 400+ mph (shallow dive) to make another run, while the lanc formation is still trying to make a 15miles radius turn towards the target.

Hmmmm.... interesting. I had forgotten that it is blockbuster bomb...  :x

I'll give it a try next time...
Artik, 101 "Red" Squadron, Israel

Offline bozon

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2014, 03:35:33 AM »
Almost forgot, about the perk cost - KEEP IT PERKED!

Drones are abused as F*** in AH since they cost nothing and K/D is not counted in bomber score. Mossie XVI free drones will be treated as disposable mules and what we DON'T want to see are free formations of XVIs lobbing 3 cookies a-piece at towns, bases, and carriers, with very limited ability to intercept them before they drop.  For the players that use them this way, it matters not whether they survive after the drop. If they are shot down, it only makes their return trip shorter, so they can up again and lob another 3 cookies at your town/field/CV.

At 20 perk price tag, losing a formation is 60 perks which stings. This is a good thing, because the formation is not disposeable and a player will want to keep his drones alive and RTB. Losing a single XVI is only 20 perks and bomber perks are cheap, so taking a single perked XVI is affordable. IF there was a way to perk formation drones, then getting the lead XVI for free may have been a viable option, but a free formation of XVIs will be abused.

Hmmmm.... interesting. I had forgotten that it is blockbuster bomb...  :x

I'll give it a try next time...
Blast radius in AH increase with weight. This baby is 4000 lbs so it starts with a huge radius. On top of that, it is a "HC" variant which increase the radius to 125% of the normal (reduce damage to 75% of 4000lbs, but who cares). Now remember that +25% from a lot is more than +25% from a little, to it makes the large blast radius into a huge radius. Area goes like the radius squared, so this little baby can cover a really large number of structures, field guns and ground vehicles in the blast area :)

Often, you catch so many structures in the blast that even though it does only about 3000 lbs of damage, you can land more than 6000 lbs of damage from this single bomb. Then you have the two 500 lbs on the wings to mop up with.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 03:46:49 AM by bozon »
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline artik

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Re: Unperk the Mosquito Mk. XVI
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2014, 03:55:39 AM »
Area goes like the radius squared, so this little baby can cover a really large number of structures, field guns and ground vehicles in the blast area :)


I think next time I login to AH I'll take a single mossie with a cookie and start busting towns+its AAA defenders, return to rearm and once again & again & again...

I want to see how much damage/kills I can make  :devil

I usually like Ardo for such missions but it is good pin-point targets not "areal-bombardment" and has poor climb rate...
Artik, 101 "Red" Squadron, Israel