It's been about 10 years since I'd flown a Bonanza of any flavor and never a V tail. Yesterday was windy, gusty, cloudy, rainy and generally sucky so I didn't really get a good feel for how it's different from something else just to make some suggestions for what I'd like it to do which it seemed to without anything unusual.
Getting slowed down to 70 knots on final was a bit of a chore overcoming the "WE'RE GONNA FALL OUT OF THE SKY!!!!" feeling when 140+ is pretty normal.
I can say the first half hour or so I hated it. I wasn't comfortable and I didn't like the feel of the airplane mostly because it was new and we were going flying in it. Oh boy...
The rest of the day included a few approaches and some time going over the equipment to make sure it did what it was supposed to. Or I should say seeing what it did and wondering if that was what it was supposed to.
I'm only looking after it and flying it 11 months of the year while the rightful owner is out of the country. While I will treat it like it's my own it's not mine to claim as owner. It's a better deal this way and much less expensive than buying a well equipped Bonanza on my own. This one is worth more than what I owe on my house!