If there are fifty of us, for example, that want it switched, that is not a small and negligible percentage of the player base. It is also a microcosm of the overall sentiment. It would be foolish to think just because someone is not on the bbs, they must not agree with us. If 80-90% of us here think it should be changed, chances are, a large percentage of non bbs players feel the same.
If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.
BTW Grizz...you do realize you are now the one bringing up reasons why changing switch times might be a bad idea... even tho' you are for it?(Image removed from quote.)
True, but I still think the group is a much smaller percentage of the player base than the side loyal. But if you are correct it may well explain why HTC seems so reluctant to put the change in place.
I think you are misinterpreting things if you believe that.
I don't think switching it to one hour will do so either as I think the imbalance has more to do with other factors e.g. a sizeable percentage of the AH player base are "chess piece loyal".That said, changing the time would make it easier for the population of players who don't care about such things to find a fight, especially on the larger maps.
these numbers sadden me
Absolutely. The true downside to it is the chesspiece underoo brigade. They get completely bent out of shape if someone that was just on their side is suddenly on the other side, because 'How can I trust a guy that just hops sides?!'If their mission runs into any kind of resistance, the only possible explanation is spiez, and if they see someone who was on their side a moment ago and is suddenly against them, they obviously must have ratted out the mission. They don't want gameplay, they want to toolshed.The sad thing is, I bet there would be a market for a co-op arena, with a bunch of AI enemy planes that fly over the enemy base and put up a token defense but aren't difficult to shoot down and have no real chance of shooting the players down. Most mission runners would probably eat that up, as the general consensus among them seems to be if the mission meets resistance, it's doomed to failure.Wiley.
I don't think players for the most part are "side loyal". I think they are "squad or friend loyal". I also think most in the community could care less about switch times. I would wager of all the folks who do care about switch times, that most are if favor of reducing them and the loud minority of this group favor keeping it at 12 hours or more.A simple poll would bring forth most of those who care about this issue. Those who don't care would still not care or they would give some thought to it and make a decision. For those who still don't care, who cares? they obviously could go either way! Thus their input is irrelevant.JUGgler
I don't think players for the most part are "side loyal". I think they are "squad or friend loyal". I also think most in the community could care less about switch times.
Really? I think you should ask around outside of the AoM / Blue Knights circle. You might be surprised by what you hear. I'm assuming members of your clique care to hear and consider dissenting opinions rather than dismissing them out of hand. The established historical precedents are not of joining together, holding hands and singing kumbaya for either side of the issue.
Most of us have been here much longer than you and know more people in the game than you. We also fly on all sides and hear everything they have to say about it.
very true bear cough* cough* but attitude goes a long way too.
Just go to a 2 side MA. Problem solved