No one was being excluded from the form just from the members only room. They can post and tell us what's wrong with AH in all the other rooms. This would just be a perk for the members paying the bills.
Exclusion from any forum is exclusion. You don't see how now but if implemented, you would see posts in that very forum about members passing on, vital update information, current changes, etc. I guarantee it. This is where your intentions to exclude a minority of folks that maybe you wouldn't agree with or you think are misinformed, has closed the door on the majority of unsubscribed community members who do nothing more than keep in touch with friends and developments.
I have been a player from the year 2000 or even earlier

So, you are saying that when my ISP was bought out (in rural area) and no other suitable internet connection for game play was available, I should have paid full subscription amount just to have full access to BBS.
You can see if I take this a little bit personally, but not knowing how long you have been a "paying" customer, I might also think it would be a good idea for a veteran (no newb) section
Actually, I think that we all get along quite well as it is and if not Skuzzy has the terminator skills of a Wolverine. No one really wants him on their case. Although I don't agree with your method of blocking forum discussion, I understand your want to filter posts. Maybe what you really want is an ignore list (squelch button) <<<< This I whole heartedly agree with. It removes frequent "offenders" (those that you personally feel aren't contributing to the conversation).