Author Topic: GV vs AC fun  (Read 2789 times)

Offline Xavier

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Re: GV vs AC fun
« Reply #60 on: May 04, 2014, 05:54:49 AM »
2 things, Xavier, you come in way to low of an attack, I've watched you all day today at TT. and as for mainguning, I've killed so many aircraft from the gunsight I've long since stopped counting, i think anyone who was around before the command position probably does it this way, we have been doing it since we have had GV's in the game I'm guessing. now with that said, i think it sucks. its unrealistic and way to damned easy to do. and if aircraft cant see AA, why does AA see the aircraft with a big red neon sign?

Yes, I munched a few trees because of that. At first there weren't so many tanks at TT, so I dived from 1-2K to hit the top armor. But as more tanks came and some people upped AA, I had to fly really low during my passes to come undetected. I've Been trying at TT all the TB aircraft and the 410 with BK5, now I'm only taking the Il-2.

The Hurri is the fastest and turns quite well, I even got a P-39 kill on it at TT. But it doesn't have much ammo and you can only one-pass tanks hitting from the top or really close from the side/rear, at least that's what I've experienced. The Ju-87 takes forever to climb to TT, but has the best penetration and can one-shot many tanks. What I don't like is the ammo count and that you're a slow, lumbering target. The 410 can one-shot most tanks with ease, but the turn radius is quite big and the slats open at the most unfortunate times and mess up the shots!

The Il-2 with the NS37 has great ballistics, and can kill the most common tanks in one pass shooting to the side, rear or top. The ammo count is great, in a sortie I killed 7 tanks and I still had ammo left! It climbs like a pregnant whale, but with a little use of flaps the instantaneous turn isn't really bad. So far it's my TB of choice  :x .

Approaching the target with care I'm avoiding getting maingunned more and more. Yesterday I destroyed 29 tanks and 2 aircraft at TT while being maingunned about 3 or 4 times. I'll try to reduce it even more, what I've seen to work best is passing over the target at low level to see where the turret's pointing, turn at 1K and verify at full zoom that the turret isn't tracking me. If it isn't, I continue the pass and open fire at 400 yards.

What I can't avoid is flack. When I'm passing over them and see the icon they're already firing at me, and the Il-2 isn't the quickest ride out there, so you'll stay within range for some good seconds.

Playing extensively on TT yesterday I saw quite a number of players complaining about "planes on TT". Am I missing something here? It seems like some players don't want aircraft at all in here, I could understand it in other games but not in a flight simulator. Is this the reason the icon range was changed? To get into TT you have to climb a minimum of 12K, yet some players were asking for taller mountains so planes couldn't get in. Why?
Started from the bottom...still at the bottom.

Offline Butcher

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Re: GV vs AC fun
« Reply #61 on: May 04, 2014, 03:51:40 PM »
Playing extensively on TT yesterday I saw quite a number of players complaining about "planes on TT". Am I missing something here? It seems like some players don't want aircraft at all in here, I could understand it in other games but not in a flight simulator. Is this the reason the icon range was changed? To get into TT you have to climb a minimum of 12K, yet some players were asking for taller mountains so planes couldn't get in. Why?

Some people tank, some people want to Fly. After all Aces High is classed as a Simulator. Some tankers don't like being bombed, driving for 20-25 minutes only to get blown apart by someone that comes over with a few eggs or rockets. At least when you are at 15k you have plenty of ways to escape another enemy fighter, in a ground vehicle you can only "Ditch". It gets frustrating and annoying to kill one person and have them so mad 10 minutes later they come back with bombs.

Icon Range was changed because ground vehicles could have Icons while the pilot was 4-5k up, big fat icons on a ground vehicle thats trying to hide under trees is a little "gamey".

People are idiots "taller mountains!! I want to camp my spawn without being egged!" They want the game easier to fill their needs. Don't like planes in Tank town ask a squad mate to fly CAP over it, Bombs don't help with ACM to well, problem solved.
JG 52

Offline ARSNishi

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Re: GV vs AC fun
« Reply #62 on: May 04, 2014, 04:46:07 PM »
People are idiots "shortermountains!! I want my easy kills on defenseless targets sitting still distracted by a spawn battle!" They want the game easier to fill their needs. Don't like having to work for your kills? Don't care to put in the time to learn ACM? Bomb tanks,, problem solved.


:salute Nishizawa

Fighter Ace vet lured to the dark side, a.k.a..  -AoM-  Fear the Mighty Mitsubishi Mounted Muppet!

Nishizwa in game, Nish or Nishi will work too

Offline Butcher

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Re: GV vs AC fun
« Reply #63 on: May 04, 2014, 05:23:51 PM »
JG 52

Offline kvuo75

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Re: GV vs AC fun
« Reply #64 on: May 05, 2014, 12:55:17 AM »
tanks are targets for airplanes.

that's just the way it is.


Kill the manned ack.