Just some general thinking in response to several threads I've seen throughout the Aces High Bulletin Board....
1. "There will be bugs..." Wait.....I've seen this message before....my point being is this is a pretty complex program, with many many factors that change many times in the matter of seconds. Stuff's going to happen. Be patient.
2. We all have a "Wish List" of things that we'd change or modify. Some are realistic, some are not. Regardless of feasability, the final implemintation of these ideas are not up to us as end users. Again, be patient, and enjoy the game for what it is. Yelling and raising sand isn't going to make the changes happen, and in the case where the changes or add ons are being phased into game play, it won't be a one day instant project. Instead, Hi Tech wastes time fighting off the Whiner's Hoard.
3. Tech glitches and new game play changes aside, we as players CAN change one major thing....The way we play and interface with each other. I know that everyone has their own style and way of playing. I know I do. Let people alone if you don't have any thing nice to say. If you do have something to say, be respectful about it. I try to send the other guy a PM, a <S>, something. Let'em know you enjoyed it, win or lose. That's just part of the way that I like to play and will not be for everyone.
4. Keep in mind the reason that so many of us play is the community. This game won't be what it is if we didn't have uber AH players to learn from. When you get you're butt shot off, don't whine. (Goes back to what I said in #3.)
Respectfully Submitted,