Did an offline experiment with the K4 and drones. I included an F4U-1A.
I pulled up behind the F4U and single shot with the 30mm into the right wing aiming mid aileron. So the very first time I hit that area, only the outside panel of the wing falls off. I dispatched the broken F4U to get a fresh one in the circle. Every subsequent single shot to the outer wing panel took the whole wing off at the root each time I attacked the new re-spawned F4U.
Tested this against the other fighters in the drone circle, same phenomenon. If I exited the game and restarted it, the phenomenon repeated itself. Once I shot the wing making the outside panel drop off, then killed the drone. Every fighter would loose the whole wing to a single 30mm hit. In some cases if I hit the fuselage during the first shoot event, the fighter would not one shot die and be very damage resistant. I could get up to 2 hits knocking off pieces and only starting a fire.
If anything is going to be looked at, I suspect it will be in AH3 after it becomes stable for the largest number of PC. Hitech is the only person coding AH3 at HTC. This is not a bug in the sense you pull the trigger and your game crashes.