Really? Why not just use the K4 then?
I fly the G14 to avoid the 30mm lol.
For the sweet, sweet perks.
Idk though. I mean, going to the p47, how much difference does it make using the lighter ammo load out?
Well, in my hands turnfighting a P47 is best done at 25% or less fuel, WEP is critical. The light ammo load doesn't make a huge difference if you keep 8 guns, though it is somewhat noticeable working in the vertical and when you start stallfighting flaps out. 6 guns, light load you can really feel it though. If I DA in a jug, I'm apt to take 8 guns light ammo because I know it's only going to be 1 opponent and I'm familiar enough with it at that weight.
I feel like in Aces high, it's more of a psychological difference, even though it does make the plane slightly lighter, I don't think it makes a big difference other than it takes more passing shots to kill them with less gun fire ( for me at least cause of my connection) if they took damage like in real life than I wouldnt need to use Gondies.
I REALLY notice the roll rate difference with the gondies as well as the ability to work the vertical is diminished. The faster you are the less they affect you, but once you start stallfighting I feel they really drag you down, literally. Again, that can probably be overcome with familiarity.
20mm + gondolas give better ballastics at distance and better shot spread. One of the biggest drawbacks of the 30mm is that you typically need to be in closer than 400yds for successful hits, which decreases the effectiveness of the fighter compared to the 20mm's range.
For BnZ, 3x20mm is definitely easier to work with. I've been trying to buff hunt with the 30mm lately and having a helluva time with it. I'm pretty sure it's just a matter of practice. I don't even bother pulling the trigger on 30mm unless I'm within 300 yards on a fighter. Its dispersion is pretty close to that of silly string.