I'd have to disagree with some of this. How can one possibly apply ACM effectively without possessing SA, especially given the importance of timing?
I should have said this...ACM is more important to make a player go from good to great.
A lot of the top 50 Fighter pilots in game currently(by rank) have good SA....so they don't get placed into a situation where they don't need to time a thing...they always have the upper hand in the fight, just need to beat the other guys E down and make a shot. But these same pilots can't fight their way out of a ball pin, one con on their six and they are screaming for help getting mad at others around for not clearing their six. (Only defensive maneuver they know is the split S kinda guys)
A lot of the other top 50(some of which I consider great pilots, or know them to be great) will act the exact opposite....
"Hey so an so, need help with the high______"
Great pilot "No I got em"
a few minutes later that high plane is either running to ack or is falling to the ground in flames. Ownage is having all the cards against you(ride, alt, E) and flipping it around and shooting the other guy down.
SA is not a perfect thing in this game of simulated combat or in real combat. The unexpected high con, ambush, mission is going to throw a wrench in the best made plans....that's why you train so your immediate action kicks in and you can handle anything thrown at you. Great pilots handle it.