Author Topic: Would alt cap be desirable?  (Read 2283 times)

Offline Gooss

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Would alt cap be desirable?
« on: October 05, 2014, 02:25:53 PM »
Fights seemed to start at high alts.  I think an alt cap would help get the fights started sooner and more often. 

Like FSO, couldn't winds be turned on to discourage climbing, say at something like 10k?

What would the downside be?



flying and dying since Tour 19

Offline Big Rat

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Re: Would alt cap be desirable?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2014, 04:46:24 PM »
Nope.  Learn to fight at high alt, push your opponents below you then after you burned them of all E and options chop them to pieces.  Simple recipe for the squads that know how to do it.  Fights in FSO almost always start at high alts and work their way down, nature of the beast. I think it's safe to say that most of the CC participants are also FSO participants.  Turning CC into a simple low alt furball, kinda removes most of the tactical aspects of it.  When i do my Monday night hog practices I often do a 10k alt cap until enemy icon.  Still not uncommon for the fight to go uphill to around 18k fighting in the verticle.

When you think the fight might be going bad, it already has.
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Offline Muzzy

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Re: Would alt cap be desirable?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2014, 08:48:13 PM »
I liked the high alt fights, if only for the fact that it allowed me to use the Wildcat's diving ability. The zekes can't follow me down and if they do they get caught in a knife fight. It was a lot of fun.

High alt fighting is just another kind of combat that needs to be learned. It's got it's own set of rules and it's quite a challenge on it's own.

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Offline Gooss

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Re: Would alt cap be desirable?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2014, 10:01:36 PM »
So the beat down and/or escape plan couldn't start at 10k?  Climb to 10k vs 20k saves 5 minutes.  Still plenty of time to get a new beer and unload the previous one.

A successful sortie may mean climb, beat down, climb, beat down, climb, beat down, then rtb. A 10k cap just gave you 15 minutes more combat time.   Time for an additional climb and beat down.


flying and dying since Tour 19

Offline nooby52

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Re: Would alt cap be desirable?
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2014, 06:44:35 AM »
Ditto, what BigRat said. if we turn CC into a low-alt FB, may as well go to the duelling arena. I prefer the tactical aspect that higher-alt fighting provides. It makes the game much more interesting. Especially if you're in a plane deemed inferior than your opponent's plane, you have more options for fight or flight. (Of course, it also helps that VF-17 squad leaders pound into us the importance of wingman tactics and just generally looking out for one another.)

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Offline Scca

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Re: Would alt cap be desirable?
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2014, 07:14:06 AM »
Desirable, no...

....for all the reasons stated above. 

Flying as AkMeathd - CO Arabian Knights
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Offline Zerstorer

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Re: Would alt cap be desirable?
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2014, 08:00:52 AM »
Desirable, no...

....for all the reasons stated above. 

Says the CO of the alt monkeys squad.   :lol

Just playin', MeatHD....nothin' but love man!  :aok

The Once and Former Fulcrum

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Offline Scca

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Re: Would alt cap be desirable?
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2014, 10:18:49 AM »
Says the CO of the alt monkeys squad.   :lol

Just playin', MeatHD....nothin' but love man!  :aok

The whole squads not like that, just me...  But once scare off all "The Damned" pilots who run away co-e, you will find me down on the deck...  :bolt:
Flying as AkMeathd - CO Arabian Knights
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Offline Zerstorer

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Re: Would alt cap be desirable?
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2014, 02:32:52 PM »
The whole squads not like that, just me...  But once scare off all "The Damned" pilots who run away co-e, you will find me down on the deck...  :bolt:

 :lol  Touche!
The Once and Former Fulcrum

In my experience, nothing is ever what it seems to be, but everything is exactly what it is.