You claim it is incorrect yet you provide nothing more than your 'gut feeling' it's wrong. When asking for more realism to the flight model, it's a good idea to provide something to back it up.
Incorrect. What I said is HiTech knows. In reality he is the only one that matters here. HiTech made the flight model and he knows exactly how far he can push it.
For the last two years I have been telling you why people are leaving AH. It's not the graphics. It's not the overall game. It is the fact that if someone has an idea that truly will make things more realistic, or more accurate, that person has to get it past a committee of people with their feet stuck in the mud. Meanwhile, the people that have seen little problems in the game are afraid to speak up on the BBS. Well, I'm not afraid.
If things remain as they are then AH will always have aspects of the game that can be pointed out as unrealistic. Well, that's fine if all you want is a constant furball below 3k and you want it to be as easy as possible. Well, I don't want it to be easy. I want to feel the air slipping away from my wingtips as I approach a stall. I want to hear it, too. We have enough airplanes, until this is sorted out. We have enough MGs and cannons. All we need are a few adjustments to remake the simulation into a more realistic environment and to push the criticisms back and this game will be good to advance into more aircraft and more combat reenactments.
If you resist changes that will make the game even better then you are part of the problem.