Author Topic: No news updates since September  (Read 1905 times)

Offline PR3D4TOR

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No news updates since September
« on: January 06, 2015, 05:38:54 AM »
Not even holiday greetings. Nothing on facebook since October.

What gives?
No gods or kings. Only Predator.

Offline Scca

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2015, 08:04:01 AM »
Hard at work on the new update
Flying as AkMeathd - CO Arabian Knights
Working on my bbs cred one post at a time

Offline DubiousKB

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2015, 08:51:56 AM »
very hard at work on the update.  :aok
56th Fighter Group -  Jug Life

Offline Kruel

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2015, 11:35:27 AM »
What they need is a pr person/community manager..I'm willing to bet someone here will do it for free.

Offline xPoisonx

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2015, 11:36:10 AM »
What they need is a pr person/community manager..I'm willing to bet someone here will do it for free.

I vote Glzzsqd!
you have a ego the size of Texas.
Quote from: hitech
Texas is big, but not THAT big.


Offline Lusche

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2015, 11:44:05 AM »
What they need is a pr person/community manager..I'm willing to bet someone here will do it for free.

"We are writing lot's of code and fix bugs with the Alpha"

There, you have it  :)

Steam: DrKalv
E:D Snailman

Offline darkzking

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2015, 11:45:02 AM »
raynos32 Leader of the 242nd Sloppy Terminators
See Rule #4

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2015, 01:03:30 PM »
I heard they are working on something big!


Offline Volron

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2015, 02:23:28 PM »
Admittedly, the home page looks dead.  Not a good thing when trying to attract folks.  Even though they are working on the update, having the home page active helps.  A weekly thing where they say "This week we worked on more coding for the upcoming update.  Still a PITA, but it is coming along!" would fair much better than nothing at all. :)  Hell, even something like, "Today Sudz ordered carpaccio.  What did we tell you guys in regards to this???  Also, Skuzzy tripped over himself.  At least it wasn't a power cable or a network line!".  :D
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
Quote from: Pyro
Quote from: Jolly
What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.

Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2015, 02:29:43 PM »
See rule #4
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 03:30:01 PM by hitech »
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. –W. Clement Stone

Offline hitech

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2015, 03:31:48 PM »
This is what has been going on.

Fixed selection issues when in any object that was moving.

Fixed an old issue (in current ah release) of menu item showing selected if you moved the mouse out of the menu area.

Fixed the issue of the incorect launch button showing depressed.

Pt boats should now work,I have not checked what happens when running into land.

Performance and armor charts should now show correctly.

Guns can now be destroyed, and should shoot at enemies.

Bridges over rivers should now work correctly.

Fixed some graphic issues that could cause crashes on some cards.

Fixed a bug in the ndisles terrain coversion causing it to not covert the terrain types correctly.

Fixed an issue where remote spawn points did not enable launch buttons correctly.

The most TBM issuses should be fixed.


Fixed a bug causing to crash after entering the video change screen.

Add the alpha phase in of new players.

Possible fixed the issue causing the program to CDT on entry.

Added texture prload (this should fix all the black square stuff like muzzle flashes)

/************************patch 17****************************/
End Sortie now shows read or green if it is safe to exit or not

Builds and land now show more detail as you zoom in and the object detail slider is now functional

Fixed Bullet holes so they now show.

Fixed issues where double sided polies would not show both sides in some cases, this cause the X type look of tracers .

Fixed the issue where you would fall threw towns, and possibly other specialty areas.

Fixed an issue where a plane would collide with ground when gear were up , upsidedown.

Only one launch button now displays with field guns selected.

Fixed a bug with particles that could cause crashes such as durring object distruction and posibly when displaying the clip board map.

/************************** Patch 18 *************************/
The context menu on the map does only close when you select an option, if you just click on map it stays open - even when closing map. It also opens an infinite number of times

Brideges and flack towers can no longer be destroyed (note the guns on the tower can be destroyed).

Fixed and issue where smoke such as from smoke shells, and other particles would display a flickering type effect.

Game ID of the person trasmiting is now displayed.

Added fogging to sprites.

Removed trains/bardges/and convoys from ndisles

All sprite effects are now preloded so they s
NDisles online:
3.  Explosions of puffy ack at fuel factory heard and felt as hits but no visible explosions of smoke.

NDisles online:
4.  Tracers seen from base ack shooting at bombs as they drop.

6.  Video flashes were constant through out flight.
May be fixed do to lots of bugs in the effect system.

7.  Bomber and fighter hangers destroyed, then fire, then smoke.  Did not see any surrounding ground destruction or explosions on impact of any significance.  More would be nice effect.
It should now be as it was before.

2.  When buildings are destroyed, they completely disappear with no residual wreckage left, as if they were never there in the first place.
They will be this way until we create the dead componets for them.

/************************** Patch 19 *************************/

1. Icons should now be back on the clip board.

2. The "White flash" should be gone, btw it looked like a white flash to me also, but really was the cockpit disapearing.

3. Found a crashto desk top bug that would overflow the collision list.

4. Made Field and Plane icons slightly bigger on the clip board.

5. A1 will no long show as white.

6. Made the users plane on the map smaller.


Offline hitech

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2015, 03:32:01 PM »
/************************** Patch 20 *************************/

1. Made a change to the clutter system so that I can minmize the pop with airfields/towns faiding out

2. Props now show correctly in the hangar.

3. Cleaned up a lot of user interfaces.

4. The terrain converter has been clean up signifacantly and ports and airfields should now be postioned as the were in AHII.

5. the client and host should now be in sync with object distruction.

Runway still disappears upon approach (shows a blank terrain and then back to textured runway ).
2. Fixed lod issues with large objects like towns and fields so they no longer should disapear.

Secondary Menu Options Not Highlighting with Mouse-Over.
Any menu items on clipboard that have a secondary or submenu to the left of the main menu do not highlight during a mouse-over event.  Example is Options > Controls that opens, or populates, the menu area to the left of the main menu.  Moussing over items in the secondary menu will not highlight the item.  You have to click the secondary menu area to give it the focus and then move the mouse to get the items to highlight (See v20_submenus.jpg).

Some Controller Inputs Do Not Display in Map Controllers Window.
ref: Options > Controls > Map Controllers
Inputs such as X Axis Min and X Axis Max do not show in the Controller Input area of the Map Controllers window.  The assumption is the text color (black) is the same as the background (See v20_controller.jpg).

Note: I do not read through everyone’s squawk lists, so sorry if someone has already reported these issues.   :salute


Not sure if it's a feature or if it's been already reported, but planes still can't ditch. Any contact with the sea is an instant death, no matter which speed

1. Aircraft launch from A45, west not on runway.
Small airfields have a peirced steel planking for the bomober runway, and a grass strip for fighters.

2. Field ID #'s and Elevations, need to be offset from the base Icon to allow view of base type and size.
Fixed also adjusted the spacing slightly and map rooms now display correctly.

3. Enemy on the radar is a white box.
Fixed by removing the debug return 1 from the shader

4. Field 88's shoot like 37mm and then explode after several hundred rounds. They also keep firing after they explode.

/************************** Patch 21 *************************/

1. Trees are no longer on runways.

2. the purecall error when exiting gtester is fixed.

Offline Mode

when shooting gv's with a gv, explosions are 2D, east to west alignment. also the same in manned guns.
Fixed, they are always were 2d but are now rotating to face you as they did previously

At Vbase, with 3 gv drones, one was hidden under map. Found it located near Tower, underground. The other two were okay.


Upped an IL2, was strafing Wirbl and Tiger1, wirbl all okay, Tiger1 and got an exe. error.

I belive this is fixed, duplicated it and fixed an issue with bullet trails that could cause a crash if there was a long frame rate pause.

P21, PT boat sinks at spawn. Noticed the gunsights on the 40mm disappear and come back.

7. Fixed the terrain for fields like a34 that were above 1000 ft and were floating above the terrain.

NDIsles Online:

Tried to get into a 17lbr gun on base at V2 and got an immediate "ahalpha.exe error" and had to close down program by hitting ctrl+alt+del, then going to task manager, then closing program.




When I bailed from the Fi156 in the takeoff hanger at V2, I could run around on foot OK, but the chute stayed deployed over my head and would not go away.  I tried to enter the maproom door, but my man was above the ground level and could not get low enough to enter, plus the chute was still deployed over my head.  Maybe it's intentional to not be able to enter the V-base A2's maproom. 



When you take off in Fi156 (storch) at V2, to the NW and SE you can take off.  Hitting the "H" choice for take off, you fall through surface and blow up.


/************************** Patch 22 *************************/
Controller Mapping Advanced Raw/Scaled Area Not Working.
A white area appears immediately on clicking the Advanced box as the customize panel slides out to the left under the white area.  This white area is over the Raw/Scaled area once the panel slides out completely.
Ref: Options > Controls > Map Controllers, Select an analog controller input, click Advanced box.

Comments:  I could see a row of white pixels appear just above the white area while using Pitch as the input and the stick was put forward to full nose down.  I'm assuming the white area is supposed to be behind the indicators but the area may be one pixel too low of too short to fully cover the range of the indicators.

Gunsight Display Area in Gunsight Preferences is All White.
The area is just a white square that normally shows a thumbnail of the selected gunsight image using the selected transparency setting.
Ref: Options > Preferences > Gunsights

Color Area in GUI Preferences is All White.
The box that shows the results of the color sliders just shows as white and does not change as the sliders are moved.
Ref: Options > Preferences > GUI

Comments: The Icon Font Size pull-down menu starts off as being "blank" until a size is selected.  Would be nice to see the pull-down menu set to the current selection when GUI Preferences is opened.

Testing Sounds Causes Crash to Desktop (ahalpha.exe stops working).
Game crashes when clicking the Test Sound button under the Advanced settings in Game Sounds.
Ref: Options > Game Sounds, click Advanced button, selected "Hit Sound 1", click Test Sound button

Edit: Thanks.

Fixed all issues.

2. Fixed a lighting issue that was causing all emissive lighting to be to bright, this was also causing the fire not to fog in the distance.

3. Fixed a gun sight issue where the range rings would disapare after movement.

4. Fixed the sea mode naval sight.

5. Fixed an issue that was causing sights to disapear such as the report on the whirblewind.

6. Icons should now flash when under attack.

NdIsles Online:

Upped a TigerII from NE spawn of knight TT v-base and drove less than 1000yards straight ahead from spawn and ran into a terrain tile separation that ran North and South, the East side tile slightly higher by about a foot and the two tile plates separated by about a foot.


Changed psave to work with the camera position
other commands are pclear and pload which work with the cmeye

The file is cmepos.txt in the settings folder

/************************** Patch 23 *************************/

1. Fixed the artifical horizon, my guess is this is also the strange artifact people were seeing.

2. The frame rate drop during gun shooting was do to the collision system, I did some optimizing of it to impove fps.

3. Fixed an issue that was causing the pilot artifacts to be displayed in planes like the 190a8 when in a wide FOV.

4. Added a loading.txt file that will provide me information for those who crash on startups.

5. Adjusted tree overlaps and colors.

6. Fixed the missing Ground Clutter on the pac terrain set.

Offline Volron

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2015, 03:55:46 PM »
Now to Home Page with some of this. :)  More than a few of us are fully aware that you guys are working on the update, but with no activity on the home page (minus the blotch that changes with tour winners), a new person may not bother going as far as to hit the forums.  Home Page please. :aok
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
Quote from: Pyro
Quote from: Jolly
What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.

Offline Zoney

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2015, 04:01:48 PM »
Thank you Dale.

Now to Home Page with some of this. :)  More than a few of us are fully aware that you guys are working on the update, but with no activity on the home page (minus the blotch that changes with tour winners), a new person may not bother going as far as to hit the forums.  Home Page please. :aok

How about we just let him get back to work.
Wag more, bark less.

Offline bustr

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Re: No news updates since September
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2015, 04:03:08 PM »

At least you get daily preview of what raising children is going to become.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.