Author Topic: Jug Instructions  (Read 12777 times)

Offline FLS

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #60 on: February 14, 2015, 12:38:21 PM »
But we are not always talking about fighting first.  If I want to hit a hanger as an example in a near full or full red dar-bar sector I will take the P47 D40.  The P47 gives me good escape velocity allowing me to extend and reset with alt, then fight.  With less of a dar-bar I choose the P-38L  since I expect to drop and fight without having to escape overwhelming odds.

Got to try the 110 to see how it fares.

Ink said the P-47 isn't a fighter. We all, including Ink, know that it is. It just doesn't have the slow speed turn performance of the Ki-84. Whether you fight aggressively in the P-47 is up to the pilot. Whether you feel the need for good slow speed turn performance to fight aggressively is up to the pilot. You seem to be talking about something else.

Offline bozon

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #61 on: February 14, 2015, 12:56:44 PM »
I think the P38L is great, but it doesn't have the Speed and dive characteristics that the P47(and/or F4U) does. Your chief argument is that the P47 doesn't have enough speed on the deck to get out of trouble, this would be even more of a problem with the P38.
The deck speeds of the P-38L and P-47D40 are practically the same. The 38 builds energy a lot faster than the 47 though.

What makes the difference is the attack profile - with the 47 you can come out of the dive at 550 and keep on running. With the 38 you are forced to release the bombs from a higher altitude and pull out at a lower speed, but better total energy. So for the defenders, the P-47 is much harder to stop, while the 38 will turn into an A2A threat much sooner, requiring a much shorter "extending" phase (coming out with more energy and a much better climb rate).
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Offline ink

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #62 on: February 14, 2015, 01:28:02 PM »
Ink said the P-47 isn't a fighter. We all, including Ink, know that it is. It just doesn't have the slow speed turn performance of the Ki-84. Whether you fight aggressively in the P-47 is up to the pilot. Whether you feel the need for good slow speed turn performance to fight aggressively is up to the pilot. You seem to be talking about something else.


ya its a fighter...just not a good one.... :neener:

all kidding aside....
to me you should use a tool made for the wanna fight spits and brews twisting and turning...the 47 is NOT the plane for that....

(lepape as good as he was still only lasted 30 seconds against my KI)

you wanna bomb the crap outta the enemy and then have enough ammo to take out some enemy by flying smart and staying fast....thats where the 47 really shines...bomber hunting also....awesome bird for that(but there are better)

so no it is not a "fighter" any of the real fighters

(and many more)

the 47 stands very little chance against those... in a typical MA fight....and absolutely NO chance in a equal E...equal Stick fight such as you would find in the DA.
to me the 47 is an Attack/fighter....Attack being its main roll fighter being secondary.

Offline FLS

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #63 on: February 14, 2015, 01:36:04 PM »
Good points Ink but what you're saying is it simply depends on what your target is flying.  :aok

Offline -ammo-

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #64 on: February 14, 2015, 01:38:10 PM »
I think I've met Ink twice in the MA, he was in a KI-84 and me a P-47.  Both times I came into the fight under 10K and he was having a blast on the deck engaged in a furball.  I got him both times.  Don't remember if I made it out, and could care less.  My point is, the Jug is effective in the LWA.  Don't listen to the hype.
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Offline caldera

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #65 on: February 14, 2015, 02:08:06 PM »
showing a pic of killing some noob or AFK in a 47 don't say a single thing.

the 47 is NOT a "fighter" and should most definitely run from my KI if the pilot cares at all about score :t

(lepape as good as he was still only lasted 30 seconds against my KI)

Geez dude, don't be so modest. 
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Offline glzsqd

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #66 on: February 14, 2015, 02:15:22 PM »
The proper way to fly a Jug is to actaully fly a KI84, so you can do cool flips and tumbles before some picktard in a Jug saws your wing off.  :banana:
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Offline FLS

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #67 on: February 14, 2015, 02:16:42 PM »
Geez dude, don't be so modest. 

Stay calm, he said it's due to the difference in aircraft performance.  :aok

Offline caldera

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #68 on: February 14, 2015, 02:28:29 PM »
Stay calm, he said it's due to the difference in aircraft performance.  :aok

I am calm.  You can tell by my deep, rhythmic breathing.  :)

He said My Ki, not the Ki.
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 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #69 on: February 14, 2015, 02:43:12 PM »

As someone said earlier it appears I'm doing just fine in the D 40, which is pretty cool given my initial problems with the aircraft. After tooling about in my stubby little FM2, the 47 has helped me re-learn my bnz skills, and I'm pretty sure I've ticked off a lot of guys who never saw me coming.  :devil

It's nice to add another bird to my stable as I do tend to get bored flying the same models all the time. At any rate, I appreciate all the advice you guys have given me.

That said, are there any cool trick moves you can pull off in the jug? Y'know, stuff that's slightly Latrobish? :)

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Offline darkzking

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #70 on: February 14, 2015, 02:44:32 PM »
well theres the tail

As someone said earlier it appears I'm doing just fine in the D 40, which is pretty cool given my initial problems with the aircraft. After tooling about in my stubby little FM2, the 47 has helped me re-learn my bnz skills, and I'm pretty sure I've ticked off a lot of guys who never saw me coming.  :devil

It's nice to add another bird to my stable as I do tend to get bored flying the same models all the time. At any rate, I appreciate all the advice you guys have given me.

That said, are there any cool trick moves you can pull off in the jug? Y'know, stuff that's slightly Latrobish? :)
slip Latrobe does :devil :devil.
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Offline glzsqd

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #71 on: February 14, 2015, 03:07:50 PM »
This just in! P47N is better than the 163 :P
See Rule #4

Offline FLS

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #72 on: February 14, 2015, 03:13:48 PM »
I am calm.  You can tell by my deep, rhythmic breathing.  :)

He said My Ki, not the Ki.

I'll take a wild guess that it was because Ink was fighting in "his" Ki not "the" Ki.  ;)

It's actually unusual for somebody to make the point that they had an aircraft performance advantage which points to modesty not ego.

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #73 on: February 14, 2015, 03:43:15 PM »
how you fly obviously plays a part in it.....

if you are attacking lo cons with friends any "fighter" can be effective...hell a P40 is badarse in that situation....

attack that same gang from the other side and see how well that P40 does... :D

Geez dude, don't be so modest. 


ya the KI I fly I refer to as mine ;)

I speak the truth sorry you cant see that for what it is...

I fought Lepape in HIS jug...he is the best I ever saw in a jug did some amazing moves....yet still died shortly after we engaged....that's just fact.

The Ki is far better at actually "fighting" then the 47 is. :aok

no matter HOW good the 47 driver is just not meant for Slow TnBing....

I know as anyone worth his salt knows you fight the pilot not the plane...

but when the planes capabilities are so far different from one another it does not matter how good the stick is, the one is the crappy plane will lose...the tool he is using is just not right for the job.....

to be "effective" in the MA....or an "effective fighter in the MA" are to totally different things.

I'll take a wild guess that it was because Ink was fighting in "his" Ki not "the" Ki.  ;)

It's actually unusual for somebody to make the point that they had an aircraft performance advantage which points to modesty not ego.

perfect :aok

I would not have won that fight if not for the awesomeness of the KI....jug vs jug...would have been the exact opposite....except even faster  :rofl

Offline ink

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Re: Jug Instructions
« Reply #74 on: February 14, 2015, 03:43:58 PM »
The proper way to fly a Jug is to actaully fly a KI84, so you can do cool flips and tumbles before some picktard in a Jug saws your wing off.  :banana:


love it :aok