Author Topic: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App  (Read 1070 times)

Offline FLOOB

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2015, 03:21:09 AM »
First I have considered for a long time all ready.

This had me almost rolling on the floor.

Thats HiTech's way of say it's almost done!
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Offline Vinkman

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2015, 03:44:39 PM »

200 is laready a cesspool. The only thing keeping it from FCC sensorship is the distraction of flying and actual combat eventual requires everyone to eventually put their hands back on the stick and throttle and stop typing. Scary to think how low it would sink if everyone who wasn't even logged in was contibuting to the 200 mess.
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Offline Zoney

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2015, 04:03:39 PM »
Thats HiTech's way of say it's almost done!

No, it's Hitech's way of saying exactly what he said, "I have considered for a long time already".

-1  Vinkman said it best


200 is laready a cesspool. The only thing keeping it from FCC sensorship is the distraction of flying and actual combat eventual requires everyone to eventually put their hands back on the stick and throttle and stop typing. Scary to think how low it would sink if everyone who wasn't even logged in was contibuting to the 200 mess.

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Offline Scca

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2015, 11:37:15 AM »
Being able to see if a countries HQ is down would be great as well

You need treatment.

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Offline Gman

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2015, 05:35:35 PM »
I wasn't implying that making an app was simple, just saying that the functions could be simple.  Pushing app button, and just a few options.  What so "roll on the floor" funny about that?

I just assume considering the complexity of making a game like this with so much going on regarding the code used to construct it, that making an app that linked the existing comm system and a feature to show a few clipboard details would be a snap.  If I was wrong, and that's funny, happy to entertain. 

So far as the monitoring of "community movements"...obviously HTC must have a pretty good idea based on data and numbers of what the players like or don't.  Plus the continuing negative threads about a number of game features, there is ample opinion expressed for and against that goes beyond just the game's data.

Regarding what Vinkman said, I was thinking more of a news channel type of app, not one where you could actively interact with the goings on, such as engaging in comms, but just monitor what is going on.  IMO it would generate interest in the game, allow people not even members yet to observe a bit of what's happening, and allow those people who are players, but unable to be logged in for whatever reason, to still have a sense of involvement.  It's a hook in addition to a resource.  Considering HT himself said he's considered it for a while, it can't be that bad of an idea. 

Now regarding the simplicity of doing it, I'm not a programmer, I have no idea on what's simple to do and what isn't.  Obviously there are greater priorities, but since there is a new member of the HTC team specifically doing the PR/Social job, I don't think having such an app, something specific to HTC outside of the Twitterverse and Facebook, that could help players GET and STAY invested in the game, is at all a bad thing.

Also, using the whole "200 is a cesspool" excuse - if that's the case, use that argument so far as getting the legions of new players HTC will be counting on with this new game and model.  If it is a bad idea for an app to exist because 200 is a negative feature,  how does that compute when new players will experience it in the actual game itself?  If you think it's a large enough problem to negate any benefits from a game monitoring app, what kind of problem will it be for all the large numbers of new indocs in the actual game itself?  If you think 200 is bad enough to be the reason to not have some sort of application that allows players to follow it (and mainly other details of the current game state), what's the point of even getting new players then, if they are going to experience the same thing once actually in the game?

Offline bustr

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2015, 06:23:22 PM »

Before going Deva to defend your hurt feelings. You got an answer from Hitech, in Hitech cryptic which is quite an accomplishment. So welcome to a few years of waiting for him to reply after you thank him for the response below and then ask the obvious polite question:

Hitech does this mean you will be going in this direction in some form or, that it is not something you want to get involved with?

And Gman your opening statement was this:

The idea was for an app that would stream the text box from 200 without having to be logged into the actual game. In other words something like a small window on your desktop/iphone/ipad/device/whatever that showed the current goings on regarding channel 200, allowing you to interact in the chat aspect of the game if you aren't able to actually be playing it. 

With Hitech answering in your wish post, everyone else's responses are moot. It's now just you and him. Unless you just like being a closet Deva...... :O

First I have considered for a long time all ready.

Quote from: Gman on February 15, 2015, 04:20:55 PM

a simple little app

This had me almost rolling on the floor.

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2015, 07:48:38 PM »
You conveniently left out " as well as participate/view channel 200", where either interacting with 200 or just viewing, 2 choices, was obviously stated.

I have nothing invested in the idea, as I plainly stated it wasn't mine, I just forwarded it from another forum, as a dozen people there agreed it sounded interesting, and hadn't before considered it. If you have to resort to personal attacks, it's pretty obvious who has the bent feelings.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 07:52:13 PM by Gman »

Offline bustr

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2015, 11:49:27 PM »
You placed yourself in the barrel with no help or coercion from your audience. And you wrote a dissertation defending the whole thing. None of us made you defend it, if you are only the messenger or hapless victim of others. And that defense was after you got a cameo appearance by the Hitech himself.

All of this should have ended with Hitech's response rather than your Diva show over something you were only the innocent messenger for.

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Gman

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #23 on: February 25, 2015, 11:52:11 PM »
All of this should have ended with Hitech's response rather than your Diva show over something you were only the innocent messenger for.

Odd, considering you were the one who posted some nonsense, again, that had nothing to do with the points being discussed, right after HT posted.  How does that fit in with the above theory?  If anyone is posting useless "Deva" things - pot come in, this is kettle, you're black.  If this "all should have ended after HT posted", why is there a post from you right after his?  Are you the only one allowed to comment after him by your standards?  Especially considering that was some nonsensical anecdote that sounds like some English as a 2nd language person wrote it, and had zip to do with any details being posted regarding the OP. 

Regarding the 200 "no go" from others - I specifically posted in the 2nd post
The 200 chatter is pretty much the back burner, the other information would be far more valuable and important IMO.

I still think the original idea is a good one, HT never said it was a bad idea, just that he'd though about it for a long time, and that me assuming that it was simple was funny.  Somehow Bustr you've tying to change that into something that is ridiculous by your standards, writing posts in a manner that's trying to turn this into a Hitech vs Me with your making supporting arguments for something that doesn't exist, then claiming I put myself in some nonexistent barrel and other strange quips, with personal attacks and other nonsense.  Very odd behavior, behavior specifically not allowed by the forum rules.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 12:00:38 AM by Gman »

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2015, 02:09:43 AM »
gman, it's not just a simple app and hitech has been thinking about it for a while.  what does that tell you?

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Gman

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2015, 07:23:37 AM »
Semp, pretty much what I've already said, that HTC is entertaining doing something along these lines, but it's far down the priority list considering all the work being done at the moment.  The fact that I hadn't seen or read anything similar in the wishlist is why I posted it in the first place.  Where have I said anything otherwise?

The only thing I'm being ripped for is the whole "simple app" thing.  I'd just read an article a month ago where a 14 year old created iTunes most popular app recently.  I figured making Apple and Android apps was a pretty easy thing for such an application like was suggested in the OP, that didn't really do anything another than report some clipboard game data and perhaps the text comm system.  Not having ever created any app myself, that's my "mistake", but IMO it's a time and priority issue, not a "difficulty" issue for HT, as  I just thought that creating a single aspect or algorithm for this complex game must be far harder than making an application that reports a bit of data in some GUI interface on a push button app. 

What Bustr is saying and doing is ridiculous considering that.

This is what I believe and am willing to put money behind - if I was permitted to put my own money, an enticing amount, in an escrow account, this week, and advertise on popular tech sites and forums  for an app programmer to contract and design such an app, I'll bet that money against having a working beta in 21 days for any programmer that wants to try it.  I'd be happy to give it to HTC once it would hit version 1.0, just to have my name associated with something that made the gaming experience better with something I've been doing for 15 years now.  I'd sign anything HTC wanted to have permission to try it.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 07:50:23 AM by Gman »

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2015, 01:00:00 PM »
if ahc or any other company would let any customer do as you have mentioned, I would now be flying the a26 as I would have paid for it years ago :).

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline bustr

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Re: Channel 200 and roster Streaming App
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2015, 05:39:14 PM »

Let it go. Gman is shouting at the Hitech mountain and getting no more responses so, projecting on anyone to vent his frustrations. If a 14yr old out there has accomplished his holy grail, then again it's between Gman's 14yr old and Hitech now. Are you feeling the need to write a cheque to his call for community solidarity in the wake of his mighty turbulence? Is your life just the dumps because you cannot watch ch200 from the throne while in deep contemplation of your next stinker of a text retort?

Hmmm, semp, you see any long lines of reply's in here promising cheques in the morning mail?
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.