Didn't know it would do that! But now I'm missing the forward view for getting around bars right in front.
It only works in 2-axis, yaw and pitch mode. So set your hat switch views <hps file> to the best you can get and live with it. I have for 12 years with occasional experiments with 6-axis. Six axis reveals why many fighters had rear view mirrors. I doubt seeing around the bars matters as much as you have convinced yourself it does.
It's like a player I once knew who was vehemently convinced he could only shoot down other planes using some strange gunsight he was given years ago by an old friend who taught him the game. Lost his hard drive one day and the only copy of it he ever had. Once he was up and running, he used the <default.bmp> gunsight and never missed a shot.
Same theme goes on and on since I've been in this game back in 2002. Players are convinced something will only work for them in their own special and unique way. Because the fear of loosing is greater than the risk of something new or different.