To avoid semantic confusion let's define BFM as those maneuvers you can fly on your own and ACM as those maneuvers you fly in relation to the bandit. Now you'll agree that setting up your merge from 2k out in relation to the bandit's position and energy state is ACM. In order to analyze and discuss the fight we use the concepts of the turn circle, plane of maneuver, and pursuit curves along with flight path, 3/9 line and lift vector. That gives us a common conceptual framework to describe the merge. Turning trails on in film gives us a visual reference and turning smoke on in the TA shows the arc of the flight path and presents a cue for lag pursuit.
This is just the starting point and I expect it's already too much reading. 
not sure what that means in red.....
if I told someone that a small paragraph was too much reading I would expect them to be insulted.
if you were not trying to insult me, then I apologize for taking it that way.
what we do in the merge could be BFM/ACM.....if..... we maneuver to get a shot while avoiding the enemy's gun solution.
flying straight towards the con....merging, with no maneuvering...... it is still a just didn't apply any BFM/ACM but you still merged with the con.
just like someone saying "Hoing" is, it is not.... it is a Tactic.
the words used indicate what I am saying "Air Combat Maneuvers"..."Basic flight Maneuvers" show that each involve one thing important....what is it....Maneuvers.....