Author Topic: TIME TO GO TO WORK  (Read 5213 times)

Offline mikev

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« Reply #30 on: June 24, 2015, 12:50:39 AM »
well tonight went pretty well i found myself on their 6 instead of mine ,but as i closed in for the kill 2cemex kept crawling up my back. after reading the book i did learn some things on angle of attack which got me 5 kills on shots i normally would not have known. im also flying the la7 instead of the spit for part of the night. the la is faster then the spit 16 so i blacked out a few times.
1 Of these days you will regret shooting me down.

Offline glzsqd

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« Reply #31 on: June 24, 2015, 11:17:36 AM »
Lol, 2cmex will do that. Having him in a furball on the opposite side will leave you with very little room for error. Looking forward to being in your cross-hairs soon magic <S>
See Rule #4

Offline mikev

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« Reply #32 on: June 24, 2015, 12:49:01 PM »
thanks glzzzz miss you guys hardly ever see you.
1 Of these days you will regret shooting me down.

Offline mikev

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« Reply #33 on: June 25, 2015, 01:48:47 AM »
ahhhhh frustrating day, wirble bait . dang wirbs can really spoil a day especially if they are near your runway. but almost got the crab hehehe .my spit 16 had the crab in sights took a piece off  but only an assist due to co rooks better angle of attack. 1 of these days mr crabby apple, payback for the DA .
 other wise a tough day . i mean what can you do with 8 red planes on your 6 1/2 the time.did not make it easy for them i hope . co rook piped on vox  i had so many red planes on my 6 looked like diaper rash . all i could do was scissor and roll . see tracers 1 way roll the other , looked like Christmas with all the flashy lights most of the time till the pieces started falling off.
1 Of these days you will regret shooting me down.

Offline glzsqd

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« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2015, 05:50:20 PM »
When you on MAgic? mabye we could go to the DA or wing up together in the MA
See Rule #4

Offline mikev

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« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2015, 12:46:01 AM »
ahhhhh a horrible night ,maybe it was just me worn out from the day but my aim stunk . i kept missing shots i should make kept getting my tail shot off you name it . the only good thing is i got 2cmex ( a clear kill) which made my night as you can guess .but other then that i filled the air with lead going nowhere grrrrrrr.
 glzzzzzz i get on between 9 to 10 pm m-f cst and weekends all day long i am on and off depending on whats going on .
 hope tomorrow is better  cant get much worst.
1 Of these days you will regret shooting me down.

Offline mikev

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« Reply #36 on: June 29, 2015, 01:58:07 AM »
another terrible night of flying.i just cant seem to get it right. cant get an attack angle and if i do  i have 10 planes on my 6 and dont have time to get a shot off. 1 thing i have figured out is you cant lone wolf it in this game and even though you have fellow players in a fight there is very little team effort at times. i think i get myself in more trouble trying to help as well.
1 Of these days you will regret shooting me down.

Offline DmonSlyr

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« Reply #37 on: June 29, 2015, 11:15:21 AM »
another terrible night of flying.i just cant seem to get it right. cant get an attack angle and if i do  i have 10 planes on my 6 and dont have time to get a shot off. 1 thing i have figured out is you cant lone wolf it in this game and even though you have fellow players in a fight there is very little team effort at times. i think i get myself in more trouble trying to help as well.

We all have bad days. Last month I had 2 of the worst days ever and it just sucked the fun right out of me.

You can be a lone wolf, you just have to fly a little bit more patiently. It kind of depends on the type of plane you are in and what altitude of the cons you are fighting. If you are attacking a base, you will have a much better chance at winning lone wolf style as you will have alt and E advantage. If you are Lone wolfing in the middle of the fight with 12-20K p51s and 190s, you may have a hard time if there are no friendlies around. If you are lone wolfing in a 190D or other super fast planes, you have a much better chance at extending away from the hoard if you lose too much alt advantage. If you are in a FM2, good luck with that hehe. The key is to understand the type of fight you are about to be engaging in. So if you see your team attacking a base with a mid sized red dar bar, it may be safe to bring something a little more versatile such as a spit, ki84, 109, Nik, F4U, those types of planes, that way you can get in and kill the low cons quickly and make some faster kills, you don't have to worry about enemies diving on you (most of the time). If you are in a big furball with both sides revving up a lot of fighters, you have 2 decisions. Either A. Grab a 109D, P51, TA152, (p47 or p38 advanced) and get as high as you can before you enter the furball, Fly patiently and stay fast, make sure you keep cover of the high cons around you. Don't get low n slow in the furball and when you dive stay fast. If you miss your shot, go level for a quick second and then regain your alt back, DO NOT TRY TO TURN AROUND QUICKLY AND GO AFTER THEM IN A FAST PLANE, unless you are positive he is the only con around. Option B (more risky). Grab a plane like a 109k, la7, or yak, these are fast knife fighters that can quickly hop on to an enemies 6 and make quick kills. The key in these planes is to jump into the furball at medium alt, like 6-12k going about 340, you hop on a planes 6, get the quick pick kill and dive away or extend away out of the furball. You have to really pay attention to your 6 and SA in these types of fights. They make for some of my favorite fights as I like to fly in furballs all the time. I get in there quick, make a quick shot, and make sure no one grabs my 6. The fun thing about the knife fighter type planes is they are very good defensive maneuvers and once you get a little more experience you can set up counter punch maneuvers on planes on your 6. Like this barrel roll defense which help you get more kills. Lastly if planes are attacking your base, you will definitely need friendlies to help as you are in a very bad position. Up planes like Ki84,109ks or La7s the best defensive planes in the game. You need something that excels quickly and can turn well to avoid the BnZers. You dont want to up fast and heavy planes like a TA152, 190D, or P47s because they are extremely difficult to defend in against planes that are going much faster than you. My advice is to learn defensive maneuvers. If I see you around I can help with that. If you don't want to get ganged and are having trouble getting away from enemies, learn the BnZ style of fighting in the faster planes in AH. This way you can get away from trouble if you lose your alt advantage, DO NOT TRY TO TURN FIGHT IN BnZers if you don't have to.

So try that out, and learn which planes are better to use in certain fighting situations on the map. It will greatly help you get more kills and limit your deaths.

Good Luck  :aok
« Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 11:17:13 AM by DmonSlyr »
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Offline mikev

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« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2015, 01:50:03 PM »
thanks violator im starting to use the la 7 more . 1 thing i try to do is cut back on the throttle in my barrel rolls but  it seems like everybody knows that trick . thats the biggest problem for new players everybody else knows the BFM AND ACM. .  1 thing i am trying is to break some of the standard defenses and come up with a few new twists. when 1 doesnt work try something else. its a frustrating process as anybody who has been reading this thread can tell .  right now i start with the spit 16 ,and split with the la7. heavy ponies and jugs for base attacks . dont know what it is but i have a hard time in the german planes. they dont like me for some reason. hehehe
1 Of these days you will regret shooting me down.

Offline glzsqd

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« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2015, 02:13:36 PM »
another terrible night of flying.i just cant seem to get it right. cant get an attack angle and if i do  i have 10 planes on my 6 and dont have time to get a shot off. 1 thing i have figured out is you cant lone wolf it in this game and even though you have fellow players in a fight there is very little team effort at times. i think i get myself in more trouble trying to help as well.

Lone wolfing it in the MA can seem like an exercise in frustration and futility. Either way your gonna have good days and your gonna have bad days. Try not to beat yourself up when you aren't finding the shots, they come in time.

See Rule #4

Offline DmonSlyr

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« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2015, 03:43:51 PM »
thanks violator im starting to use the la 7 more . 1 thing i try to do is cut back on the throttle in my barrel rolls but  it seems like everybody knows that trick . thats the biggest problem for new players everybody else knows the BFM AND ACM. .  1 thing i am trying is to break some of the standard defenses and come up with a few new twists. when 1 doesnt work try something else. its a frustrating process as anybody who has been reading this thread can tell .  right now i start with the spit 16 ,and split with the la7. heavy ponies and jugs for base attacks . dont know what it is but i have a hard time in the german planes. they dont like me for some reason. hehehe

The key to doing the BRD properly is all about timing and speed. It will take some time to get it down pat. What you have to focus on is getting the enemy plane to follow you going nose down (about 600 out is a good distance, you dont want them to be too far out) so that they build up more speed than you. You have to be going slower than them in order to roll over them as they are not able to pull up as fast. Also, once you get better at timing, you can get them to chase you going down, do some scissors to get them to have to lead shot you, once you learn the timing, you can BRD them as they are blacking out trying to get the lead shot, you pull the roll over as they are blacking out and cannot pull up as sharply. It takes a lot of experience and E understanding to pull it off even against planes that naturally turn better than yours. You can also get flaps out and that will also help you if you are going slow enough, but you have to learn how to use flaps well too.

It is a learning process and you have to do it over and over again. I'll show you another defensive move too, but it is too hard to type it out.

The Damned(est. 1988)
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Offline The Fugitive

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« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2015, 03:58:00 PM »
thanks violator im starting to use the la 7 more . 1 thing i try to do is cut back on the throttle in my barrel rolls but  it seems like everybody knows that trick . thats the biggest problem for new players everybody else knows the BFM AND ACM. .  1 thing i am trying is to break some of the standard defenses and come up with a few new twists. when 1 doesnt work try something else. its a frustrating process as anybody who has been reading this thread can tell .  right now i start with the spit 16 ,and split with the la7. heavy ponies and jugs for base attacks . dont know what it is but i have a hard time in the german planes. they dont like me for some reason. hehehe

You also have to figure out what your trying to accomplish as well.

If your looking to fly like Latrobe and just go for it in any situation then the first thing you need to know/learn is you are going to die A LOT! Don't plan on EVER landing a kill, or getting your name in lights.

If on the other hand you want to fly the way Rocky and Cmex do you need a lot of patience and be careful of how you pick your fights. Plane selection may have a lot to do with it as well.

So if your looking for lots of kills, your name in lights now and then and landing more often than not you have to fly like that, not like I've seen you when I've been around you.

If your looking for fights and don't care about landing or score then throw out the cares about having a bad night getting jumped by a few. I was in a hog the other day and started in on a spit16. He had alt/speed/E. By the time I dodge 6-8 passes and got his E down closer to mine a 110 and 190 joined the fight. We all ended up on the deck flaps out trying to keep or planes in the air for a shot. 190 left (ammo?) 110 ditched, and spitty finally got me.

Sure I "lost" but it was a fun fight, minimal HOs, lots of dodging and great flying by all, what more could ya ask for.

So figure out what type of flying your going to do, and just do it. It can change from day to day too. Mine changes with which map is up. Some just lend themselves to Bnz style fighting more than TnB. The point is don't take an LA to 15k and expect to fight a pony up there, the same goes for turnin and a burnin on the deck, the pony might NOT be a good choice.

Offline mikev

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« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2015, 01:04:25 AM »
well tonight i was the duck sitting waiting to be shot. could not figure out why  , when there were 4 or 5 of us and they all went spotting gvs while i was left to handle 2 or 3  cons in the air . sure i got check 6s but that does not help when you are a sandwich getting eaten alive .
   was kinda out of it tonight  didnt have the feel either ,maybe tomorrow will be better
1 Of these days you will regret shooting me down.

Offline mikev

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« Reply #43 on: July 05, 2015, 02:39:30 AM »
had a good night tonight by my standards , managed to be up to 14 kills and its only the 4 th . whoaaaaaaaaaa. i sure still get picked a lot and sometimes i have rubber bullets . was called a coward tonight  ??? not because i flew around my ack  but for shooting somebody down .  was not a HO  . i was helping a fellow rook who had a bogey on his 6 i followed in waited till he was lined up  and filled his cockpit full of 20 mill, and 50 cal .
  sometimes this game makes me wonder . i mean i get picked all the time i dont call people cowards . i was to understand its your responsibility to keep looking for cons and protect yourself.  all i can say is if i get that type of shot again im shooting .
1 Of these days you will regret shooting me down.

Offline The Fugitive

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« Reply #44 on: July 05, 2015, 09:13:16 AM »
had a good night tonight by my standards , managed to be up to 14 kills and its only the 4 th . whoaaaaaaaaaa. i sure still get picked a lot and sometimes i have rubber bullets . was called a coward tonight  ??? not because i flew around my ack  but for shooting somebody down .  was not a HO  . i was helping a fellow rook who had a bogey on his 6 i followed in waited till he was lined up  and filled his cockpit full of 20 mill, and 50 cal .
  sometimes this game makes me wonder . i mean i get picked all the time i dont call people cowards . i was to understand its your responsibility to keep looking for cons and protect yourself.  all i can say is if i get that type of shot again im shooting .

The picking is how some people make a living as they say. It's frustrating to some as while you and I love to get in there and twist and turn they guys are never in it long enough to get shot at. So getting picked by the same guys over and over and never really getting a chance to "get them back" can bring out the nasty in some people.

My soft spot is the HOs, especially from those guys that are considered "top guns" in the game. If your so good at the game why do you have to lower your self to a joust? I had one guy who's a top stick in 109s. It was pretty much one on one fight after fight, and he kept beating me, but the fights were getting closer and closer. I kept coming back, padding his score sheet. The last fight we were in tight and I gave him nothing, I was getting around on him and it looked like I might have my first win of the bunch of fights and he HOs me  :O I asked him whats with the HO? he said, well it was the only way to get you.  :rolleyes: Last time I went looking for a fight with him.

The point is, we all have our soft spots as to whats tips us over. Some are more vocal than others, but we all have that "spot".

As for the flying, SA is just as important as learning to fly your cartoon plane. Flying with friends/squadmates can boost your SA as you have that many more eyes watching out for you as well as having someone....or 3 covering your backside. Some times I'll fly in the middle of a 1 vs 3 with the single purpose of seeing how long I can survive. The kill is unimportant in most of my fights other than saying who won and who didn't. In a 1 vs 3 I KNOW I won if it takes more than a single pass to get me. If I can get those guys to miss time after time and the seconds start turning into minutes I have won. Don't get so tied up into getting the kill that you forget to have fun with the fights.