lesson learned today players dont care as long as they can get a kill. they will vulch, ho whatever they can as long as they get a kill. next lesson if you get a player away from the group he will run away until he has the advantage. thanks knights now i know what i need to learn and work on . ha 48 times i was vulched got to be a record.
guess i should of read the game instructions.
VULCHING: Vulching is the act of killing someone as they are taking off or just after they take off. Some people (usually the ones who die over and over) will complain about vulching. Most people feel that if they are silly enough to try and take off from an airfield that is covered by enemy, they deserve to die!
You've experienced one of the most common (and arguably frustrating) parts of combat sims.
Now that you recognize these items, the important part is how you respond. A majority of players experience this and complain about honor, lack of realism, lack of sportsmanship, lack of quality fights/opponents, etc. - the truth is, these tactics are common across ALL sims. You can make excuses too (not that you have in any way whatsoever), but they will only server to stunt your growth.
If you accept these things, and simply learn how to mitigate them, your skill will increase immensely. This alone will put you into the top 20-25% of players, just due to the fact most players never learn this.
The vast majority of players run, this is why learning to kill quickly and good gunnery are important. Be aware of your surroundings (SA) and don't put yourself at a disadvantage to kill a runner. Learn instead of optimize your shot opportunities.