The LW slaughterd all our bombers twice. I call that balance.
I was going to comment on this.
Over a 12 hour period with people coming and going (Ok, well mostly staying around for the entire event) is difficult to keep numbers balanced. Players came when they could. It was still a relatively balanced event so far as outcome goes. Imagine for a moment how it might have been if the numbers were even over the course of the day. It could have gone very badly for the Allies, over enemy territory, no position to rearm and get back into the fight as quickly as the Axis could.
One particular battle draws this into perspective for me.
"We" (It really was KCDittos fault, he was in charge and didn't have to listen) opted to not wait, and attack England. We wanted to hit the allies early, find the bombers forming up. As it was, we did catch a whole bunch of planes sitting on the runway and I'm not sure they realized we were quite that close, they entered the tower just as our guys got in visual range of them. Even as we got over England, we knew the bombers got out over the water somewhere, they were NOE going to Antwerp. We couldn't find them, we had eyes up there looking while we tried to inflict some damage over England.
As it turns out, we found some great fights, and as we were sitting in the tower waiting for the launch window, dar pops near Antwerp. We were racing the clock and once the timer went off, we launched and got to Antwerp just as the Allies were beginning their run.
Imagine if we had several more squads on the Axis side. We were already over England. We were then able to get up and at Antwerp to engage. Had we more, we would have also had squads in front of Antwerp attacking while the rest of us were getting into position. We knew Antwerp was the target, so we timed an attack and then a defense, we could have built an attack While defending.
Overall, Balance is more than numbers. The ability to both attack and defend were met on both sides in a relatively balanced effort. Had the Axis gained more players, the Allies really would have also needed more to prevent simply being overwhelmed by "even" numbers.