Does anyone have any suggestions on how to improve it? I'm not trying to vex anyone into an argument I'm just genuinely curious.
From my point of view..... and I'm not looking to step on anyone's toes here, but it is not bright or flashy enough.
Look at other gamer sites. They have bright crisp background pictures that show some action screen shot. Very dynamic. The compartments is how most sites go but you need more flash than semi transparent black background or greys. The "play for free" is a good improvement and the flames add the eye catching element most of the rest lacks.
If your trying to grab someone's attention you only have a few seconds to get it. Static main pages are boring and people soon leave. Instead of the cockpit picture just being there make it an animation that zooms to different spot high lighting the improvments. Let that run not more than 15 seconds and have it switch to a short showing the lighting effects, again only for 15 seconds. Move on to other things until you have 5 or 6 and have them repeat. This way there is always action, moment something to keep you interested.
What a site owner "wants" and what they "need" are rarely the same thing.