Only the honey bee native to Japan has developed the over heating strategy.
Imported honey bees become Hornet chow along with smaller wasps and hornets. Even Preying mantis are not safe and the sting and the hornet's aggressiveness deters many other usual hornet, wasp and bee predators. In Asia the primary predator of the hornets is human beings who eat them. In japan there is a Hornet sashimi.
Anyone allergic to bee stings will be in danger of death inside of 30 minutes without an EPIPen. Others, severe burning, swelling with the initial wound sight oozing blood and possible kidney clogging. Even necrotic response at the wound sight. This is not your normal yellow jacket or hornet. The stinger is about 1\4 inch long and will introduce an 8 part venom deep enough with each sting to create rapid complications. One enzyme in the toxin destroys red blood cells which can cause kidney problems along with a necrotic response in tissue.
Often it is the lone scout that suddenly nails you out of no where because they are that fast. If you happen to run into a nest area, multiply that effect. Nests are under ground and can be up to 36in in diameter by that much in depth. At the very lowest layers all larva production is of Queens. Upwards of 100 in most cases. Winter kills off the workers but, the queen can over winter and start another colony the next spring. They have evolved in Japan's mountainous regions that have very severe winters. If you do not find the nest and account for the queen larva's, each queen is born ready to lay eggs and start the cycle all over again. They are able to survive as far north or south as honey bees.
All that is needed like happened to France, one Queen surviving the journey to your country. So far they can be found in Korea, China, Indonesia, India, Russia, France and the sighting of one in Illinois is still waiting for proof by finding a real Hornet. Or, someone to piss off a scout and get stung.