a few years back, my mom was stopped in arizona on the way to mexico. when she explained she was a us citizen, the police officer said that there was no way she could be a citizen. she has a heavy mexican accent, made even worst as she got scared.
I can go on and talk about the time when I used to be in north carolina and every now and then I would go into a store and some clerk would tell me to go somewhere else, because he/she wasnt gonna help me. when I was with my ex girlfriend who was white a couple of times we were looked at different because they saw me as another illegal alien trying to get a green card.
just last saturday I was waiting for this girl to come and have a couple of drinks with me. there was a wedding going on next door and saw this 3 kids, 20 something talking about how they were bored and should try to pick up a girl. when my friend showed up, they looked at her and said she looked nice and too bad she wasnt white.
even at work, I hear my coworkers talk about this black guys and call him demeaning names like "maya" and "hediondo". I always tell them how would you guys like to be called wetbacks.
when I first joined the marines, this white kid, he meant nothing, but just asked me why I wanted to join, he asked me if it was the money. I told him I was making 1800 a month and quit to earn 599 I think. I also told him because this was my country too. he kindda looked at me weird first. then he just smiled and walked away. I guess he understood.
some guys say, it wasnt me and that is probably right. it wasnt you, but then again we all know prejudiced people and sometimes we stopped them and some other times we dont.
point is we are all screwed up as a group due to a minority from each side and either we all help each other for the best or we all are really are gonna pay for it.
keep saying it wasnt me and it will really soon come out that it was actually you too.