I almost forgot... The climate change induced migration has already started, with the smart (coincidentally conservative) Californians migrating out of Calif to places like Texas and places that aren't in a drought. That's what Humans do, its our thing. Cope instead of laying down and dying in our own filthy misery whining about how unfair things are. Well, that's what some Humans do anyhow. Some try to "fix" things by making laws to spend other people's money on things that can't possibly change what nature is going to do next.
Of course, I will note that the California drought did coincide with a statewide effort to get signatures on petitions to ban dihydrogen monoxide, the leading transport agent of man-made toxins, and present in huge amounts in every child born with a birth defect... Looks like the petition was at least partially successful in banning that particular toxic chemical. Did you know some people actually *purify* dihydrogen monoxide in their homes, and don't even realize what it does? Get educated people!