Author Topic: How or Why we will reverse global warming  (Read 38605 times)

Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #510 on: November 02, 2015, 02:24:06 PM »

This article probably sums up why the USA, and by extension, anyone who disagrees with Sys and his brethren. Is treated like a low IQ mass murderer and unfit for polite company. The USA and even the EU would have to regress back to the total use of horse and buggy technology over the next decade to meet the emotional goals for global warming put forth by this author. She seems to capture the feelings of the movement from around the world. It's the USA's fault, and the USA needs to go back to living in grass huts to pay for it's crimes against humanity and the environment.

While the USA is destroying the world, a Suadi dairy farm company who runs dairy farms in the Arabian desert, just purchased land in Arizona to grow alfalfa. I guess during the California drought going on for the last 4 years. The imperial valley farmers are charging the Saudis too much for the California alfalfa irrigated by Colorado River water they ship to the middle east and China.

 ( The first article) Reminds me of those recent NARF ads  -too hot for this forum, but essentially they state that the Indian wars aren't over.

Here's the thing: what was won with intrepid and fearless exploration and plenty of blood and treasure is about to be squandered bloodlessly to the greatest snake-oil salespeople since those who crafted a strategy for extracting wealth by means of a threat to your afterlife (no names named here, por supuesto).

Little Miss Narain probably needs a little corrective surgery from some of Curtis LeMay's finest, since she surely is an enemy to my freedom of action (though I'd stop short of such recommendation given that its just an op-ed piece). It's a pity that my government is not representing my interests (my opinion) in this matter.

She is of a piece with any number of other invasions corrosive to the Republic, all of which should be very grateful it is not me in charge. I'd give them something to cry about.

The West is at war, this last being a continuation of state policy by other means. In this case, though, the "other means" takes other forms - more than one of which are in play right now. I'm hopeful that people wake up and see it for what it is, one day. Otherwise, DeGrelle will be proven right, and that's both a pity for us and a vindication for him.
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

Offline NatCigg

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #511 on: November 02, 2015, 02:26:02 PM »
I have called for a complete ban on living in the desert for years!  Sure you can grow crops nearly pesticide free and possibly most of the year but at what expense?  When they run out of water it is not our fault, forget your crops, and no I'm not shipping you more water.  You know it is unsustainable so deal with it.  PS I've got some land for sale.

Offline bustr

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #512 on: November 02, 2015, 02:46:49 PM »
Rex as created by the Belgium journalist Leon DeGrelle in 1935?

The ideology of Rex, which was loosely based on the writings of Jean Denis, called for the "moral renewal" of Belgian society through dominance of the Catholic Church, by forming a corporatist society and abolishing liberal democracy. Denis became an enthusiastic member of Rex and later wrote for the party newspaper, Le Pays Réel. The original programme of Rexism borrowed strongly from Charles Maurras' integralism. It rejected liberalism which it deemed decadent and was strongly opposed to both Marxism and capitalism, instead striving for a corporatist economic model, idealising rural life and traditional family values.

Not to mention he was an SS-Standartenführer d. R. der Waffen-SS and leader of the Walloon contingent.

If so "Otherwise, DeGrelle will be proven right,". This is going the really long way around the Skuzzy Rule# hammer per religion and politics....... :O

We lost something with the Internet and the demise of "Men of Letters". Good imagery PJ.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #513 on: November 02, 2015, 05:02:42 PM »
Rex as created by the Belgium journalist Leon DeGrelle in 1935?

The ideology of Rex, which was loosely based on the writings of Jean Denis, called for the "moral renewal" of Belgian society through dominance of the Catholic Church, by forming a corporatist society and abolishing liberal democracy. Denis became an enthusiastic member of Rex and later wrote for the party newspaper, Le Pays Réel. The original programme of Rexism borrowed strongly from Charles Maurras' integralism. It rejected liberalism which it deemed decadent and was strongly opposed to both Marxism and capitalism, instead striving for a corporatist economic model, idealising rural life and traditional family values.

Not to mention he was an SS-Standartenführer d. R. der Waffen-SS and leader of the Walloon contingent.

If so "Otherwise, DeGrelle will be proven right,". This is going the really long way around the Skuzzy Rule# hammer per religion and politics....... :O

We lost something with the Internet and the demise of "Men of Letters". Good imagery PJ.

I learned something here and thanks for that. No, though, my ref was to Degrelle's characterization of Stalingrad as the end of Western civ. If proven correct, we've shown a failure of moderation, imj ( shame on us as westerners) , since it would appear that there, indeed, was no survivable alternative to the path of all-out aggression. We only replaced that last with complete cultural and political obsequiousness.

Me, I believe our function, someone else's coinage but referring to those who have learned from history, is to stand athwart those tracks shouting halt! The cycle must be broken, and we're in the apathy-sujugation phase, I'm afraid.
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #514 on: November 02, 2015, 06:28:16 PM »

Here is the real agenda of the Paris 2015 climate summit. Climate justice and a world UN run court that can over ride the US Senate. India and China have been pushing this with the Third World nations which accounts for those two articles by writers out of India. Global warming will become a casualty of the new Third World order of climate justice reparations in the World Climate Justice court (wealth redistribution tribunal) at the UN. One way to let global warming slip out of the news cycle while initiating a new world crisis of Climate Justice. Those Third World nations will keep this one at the forefront because it means "Free Money" if they don the mantel of Climate Justice victims.

Both India and China refuse to stop building coal fired electrical plants or pay what it really will cost to build those plants so they don't shut down cities like in China and kill people from air pollution. So once again the USA is the bad boogy man denying the rest of the world their chance at creating an equivalent standard of living. And the purpose of the Climate Justice Court. Steal American wealth and give it directly to third world governments so they can leap from the late middle ages directly into the 21st Century. Or some nonsense like that. The EU won't get off lightly either. So no court, no justice, no accord, and India and China can keep killing the planet by building more power plants. Sounds just like how China helps manipulate the UN to get what it wants in other areas.

In this case no climate change treaty that they have to publicly say NO to on the record. Remember, for the USA to pay fines at that court, it would be with China's money.

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #515 on: November 02, 2015, 07:11:16 PM »
Cyclone Chapala hits Yemen; they never seen this kind of weather;

Offline bustr

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #516 on: November 03, 2015, 01:37:48 AM »
The Sahara is only recently a desert starting desertification around 10,000 years ago along with the middle east. Weather patterns changed during the Neolithic rapidly changing the regions from verdant grass lands to desert by the beginning of the bronze age. You might say that was the most recent global warming event over a large geographic region.

And then there was the Younger Dryas about 13,000 years ago which cooled most of the northern hemisphere 2-6C and increased the size of many of those glaciers the global warming cultists keep crying about. Along with growing the Arctic ice sheet. And it only took a few decades 13,000 years ago to grow those glaciers to the sizes bemoaned about in their heydays of a century ago.

Then 3000 years later the Sahara's and middle east's climate changed and turned a whole region into a gigantic desert. Since the end of the last Ice Age about 24,000-27,000 years ago there have been about 4 major climate heating and cooling events lasting about 200-400 years each. The Oldest Dryas, Older Dryas, Allerød oscillation, and the Younger Dryas.

The only thing this planet does that we can depend on is change climatic extremes on a regular basis very rapidly. Man Made Global warming is about redistribution of wealth, access to resources, and power over rapidly growing populations. The planet will change itself regardless of what we humans think we can do to stop it changing. Now it looks like it wants to turn the middle east back into a verdant grassland. Maybe.....   
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #517 on: November 03, 2015, 02:03:54 AM »
And then this, we have no control over the planet changing it's tilt or oscillations. So an event like that which happens from time to time will cause a rapid change in climate. But, the smart kids in the room know it's the fault of the USA and nothing will change their minds.

Why the Sahara Became a Desert
Monday, February 7, 2011
How can a part of the world transform from a green area into a desert? It happened to the Sahara and scientists think this was due to a change in the tilt of the earth. Changes in the Earth's tilt happen from time to time and they change the weather. A change in our orbit could have done the same thing, and scientists say the earth's orbit continues to change and will continue to do so in the future.

 Researchers all agree that this area changed into the world's biggest desert, but the question is: Was the path to change gradual or fast and HOW and WHY did it happen? NASA's Gavin Schmidt thinks the change happened quickly, 8,000 years ago, when the Earth's orbit changed from around 24.1 degrees to the 23.5 degrees, where it remains today. The Daily Galaxy quotes him as saying, "The end of the 'Green Sahara' came about quite suddenly around 5,500 years ago. Thus, a very slow change in the orbit (led) to an abrupt collapse in that ecosystem. The Earth had its closest approach to the Sun in the northern hemisphere (with) summer in August. Today, that closest approach is in January. So, summertime in the north was warmer back then than it is now."

 Pierre Francus is an advocate of slow change. The Daily Galaxy quotes him as saying, "The findings of this study are that the sedimentological and geochemical properties of the lake sediments confirm that the Sahara has been drying slowly from six thousand years ago to reach the present day conditions around 1,100 years ago. The models that are used to predict future climate need to be tested, and using information from the past is one way to achieve this goal."

I guess old Pierre is validating that the planet changes itself on a regular basis no matter what we do to it.

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #518 on: November 03, 2015, 06:28:02 AM »
Cyclone Chapala hits Yemen; they never seen this kind of weather;

Wow.   Reminds me of stories of when people drown in desrets because of flash flooding from rain miles away.

I know that there is a bit of populism in the following, but still, it is hard to dismiss:

“When you start seeing 100 year storms every year or two, you got to wonder what is going on.”


Dante's Crew

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #519 on: November 03, 2015, 06:29:57 AM »
Cottonwood species grow very fast especially geneticly selected varietys.  It is crucial that the crop is harvested.  Cottonwood would mostlikey be a paper product.  Of course any wood could be buried.  Pine has been good for building.  Oaks and maple are very nice and make a good mature forest.  I guess the key is management.  Not letting it grow wild but good management to a end.  30 year harvest of cottonwood/poplar would yield the most bang for buck to sequester co2 and develop paper products and some building board.

Your comment about cottonwoods has gotten me thinking.  I have been trying to look up references on the impact of trees on the carbon cycle.  I can see where their impacts have been put into models, but I have not found anything on how that impact is calculated.  I have found a number of references on Carbon Capture and Sequestration/Storage (CCS), but they are mostly focusing on the application of technologies within production or consumption systems.

I found the following general information on cottonwoods:

Overall they seem as if they may be fit for purpose.   (That is at least in the regions where they grow).

Anyway I am pressed for time this week, but I will look for more information on my mobile when I can.  I’ll post when I can.

Dante's Crew

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Offline SysError

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #520 on: November 03, 2015, 06:33:17 AM »
I stand by my original statement. .... your point is diversionary of the undercutting of the entire thesis, ...

I ask again, for the third time, please provide your proof on what you believe the IPCC has gotten wrong.

You say:
“…even though the IPCC, Gore, et al, have it all wrong: co2 lags, not leads, temp increases”

I have provided citations that refute your claim.  If I am wrong, I would like to know.

If you cannot show your source(s), admit that you are mistaken and concede the point.

Dante's Crew

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Offline NatCigg

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #521 on: November 03, 2015, 08:44:32 AM »
Your comment about cottonwoods has gotten me thinking.  I have been trying to look up references on the impact of trees on the carbon cycle.  I can see where their impacts have been put into models, but I have not found anything on how that impact is calculated.  I have found a number of references on Carbon Capture and Sequestration/Storage (CCS), but they are mostly focusing on the application of technologies within production or consumption systems.

I found the following general information on cottonwoods:

Overall they seem as if they may be fit for purpose.   (That is at least in the regions where they grow).

Anyway I am pressed for time this week, but I will look for more information on my mobile when I can.  I’ll post when I can.

cottonwood or eastern cottonwood i believe, is a vile weed tree that grows everywhere around my neck off the woods.  out west there is a lot of work being done with poplars, in a high altitude environment aspen seems to grow well.  these trees are in the same family and all grow fast and have short lives. thus great for farming or co2 capture.

Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #522 on: November 03, 2015, 10:35:45 AM »
I ask again, for the third time, please provide your proof on what you believe the IPCC has gotten wrong.

You say:
“…even though the IPCC, Gore, et al, have it all wrong: co2 lags, not leads, temp increases”

I have provided citations that refute your claim.  If I am wrong, I would like to know.

If you cannot show your source(s), admit that you are mistaken and concede the point.

I'll make you happy. My lumping of Gore and IPCC together misrepresents IPCC. On this matter I stand corrected. In fact, the IPCC position is well-covered here.

Gore, however, WAS corrected by the British Court in his assertion that the CO2 and Temp traces were "an exact fit".

So, that out of the way, your case is till an utter shambles. After all, Bengtsson acknowledges feedback forcing is weak, at best, and your assertions on Totten were hopeful but sadly inaccurate extrapolations and Antarctic ice is increasing, yet you focus on this flyspeck..?
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #523 on: November 03, 2015, 05:09:22 PM »
There are better ways. However, we live in a place that the cheapest way goes for.

Offline NatCigg

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #524 on: November 03, 2015, 05:13:48 PM »
if we could get that 5$/Gallon gas again electric cars and trains will sound really cool again. :bolt: