Author Topic: How or Why we will reverse global warming  (Read 38616 times)

Offline WWhiskey

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #121 on: September 30, 2015, 05:27:47 PM »
Thank goodness the Antarctic Ice is growing and the Arctic Ice is shrinking.  I was really starting to worry about that.  We definitely need more Antarctic Ice and less Arctic is to keep the planet from tipping over.
  :aok  This statement qualifies you for congress!   lol    :aok
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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #122 on: September 30, 2015, 08:11:42 PM »
  :aok  This statement qualifies you for congress!   lol    :aok

I thought Zoney was a member of congress.  :x
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Offline FBKampfer

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #123 on: October 01, 2015, 01:16:54 AM »
Even if the totality of the US agreed to live in mud huts, walk everywhere, and not burn fires. Africa, India, Pacific Rim nations and China would keep on polluting at levels we didn't come close to at the height of our SMOG days in the 70's. They would make up for us returning to the stone age and then some on their own.

Of the 1.6 billion Chinese, only about 300 million live the good life in their modern cities equal to our hated over consuming and scorned U.S. level of living by a population of only 320 million. The rest live in the country on farms and many burn dung or wood to survive. While the other 300 million need so many coal burning plants to create and maintain their level of living that they have real SMOG problems that really kill people every year from direct inhalation while living in some of the most modern cities on the planet. Along with killing natural water sheds and the surrounding country near their hundreds of coal fire electric plants and coal fire industries from the byproducts.

India has 1.2 billion Indians with a growing modern sector close to 300 million like China, and the rest living in rural areas burning dung or wood, and so forth etc. And don't forget the Asian brown cloud from all the fires used by the rural peoples from east Africa through to Asia that has impacted the monsoon cycle and is creating a slight cooling effect in that region.

*snip*I'm angry and don't really know what I'm talking about*snip*

And others' irresponsibility justifies our own? Well hell, if we're going to go back to preschool logic, give me my Ferrari, because I want it.

The fact remains that, unless one dismisses nearly the entirety of the accredited and respected world brain trust, as well as vast quantities of data, and even an exposed cover up and scandal, we're at least partially responsible for the problem.

We can take steps to help reduce the problem, encourage and assist others in reducing the problem, mitigate the damage. To knowingly refuse to do so, simply because not everyone is, is juvenile and irresponsible.

Not only that, it's selfish. You're knowingly contributing to a problem you likely won't have to worry about solving.

Such mentality, such proud ignorance, is the number one problem with humanity.
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Offline JimmyD3

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #124 on: October 01, 2015, 01:54:33 AM »
And others' irresponsibility justifies our own? Well hell, if we're going to go back to preschool logic, give me my Ferrari, because I want it.

The fact remains that, unless one dismisses nearly the entirety of the accredited and respected world brain trust, as well as vast quantities of data, and even an exposed cover up and scandal, we're at least partially responsible for the problem.

We can take steps to help reduce the problem, encourage and assist others in reducing the problem, mitigate the damage. To knowingly refuse to do so, simply because not everyone is, is juvenile and irresponsible.

Not only that, it's selfish. You're knowingly contributing to a problem you likely won't have to worry about solving.

Such mentality, such proud ignorance, is the number one problem with humanity.


So says the Socialist.  :rofl
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Offline earl1937

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #125 on: October 01, 2015, 03:10:49 AM »
And others' irresponsibility justifies our own? Well hell, if we're going to go back to preschool logic, give me my Ferrari, because I want it.

The fact remains that, unless one dismisses nearly the entirety of the accredited and respected world brain trust, as well as vast quantities of data, and even an exposed cover up and scandal, we're at least partially responsible for the problem.

We can take steps to help reduce the problem, encourage and assist others in reducing the problem, mitigate the damage. To knowingly refuse to do so, simply because not everyone is, is juvenile and irresponsible.

Not only that, it's selfish. You're knowingly contributing to a problem you likely won't have to worry about solving.

Such mentality, such proud ignorance, is the number one problem with humanity.
:airplane: Your words are elegant and very admiral, and the sad thing is, there is nothing we can do about so called global warming! Yes, some of the industrial "scrubbers" have increase the quality of air in and around some of our industrial cities!
But, since "trees" contribute more carbon into the atmosphere than do humans, do you think we should cut down all trees and go back to living in mud huts?
God, through his grace, have given us the intelligence to figure out as humans, how to increase our quality of life on this earth! While it is easy for people to disagree with you and I, even though we have different points of view about this subject, the best thing man can do to help his quality of life on this earth is to build things which are carbon free, because there is nothing we can do about the past.
I think that with people with  your point of view, will cost people in the U.S. so much money, you will have people on fixed incomes "freezing" to death because they can't afford their electrical bills.
Unfortunately the powers that be in this country, just don't understand the "un-intended" results of some of the laws that are passed, so this subject is like most others, they don't seem to care about the results of their actions, they only care about remaining in their "ivory" towers in Washington!
Now, with the benefit of hind sight, wouldn't it be nice to go back to 1960 and start over? Of course I know a lot of people reading this wouldn't even be born yet, but we would know better how to educate them on problems facing us!
First thing I would do is, when someone gets to the age of 14, they are given, free of charge, a J-3 cub, with 100 gallons of free gas and told to learn how to fly and respect the earth that God has given us to enjoy. I have yet to meet anyone who flies who does not have a different outlook on themselves and other humans. Maybe that is the answer to our present day problems, give everybody a J-3 cub. LOL
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 03:18:18 AM by earl1937 »
Blue Skies and wind at my back and wish that for all!!!

Offline NatCigg

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #126 on: October 01, 2015, 04:46:28 AM »
:airplane: Your words are elegant and very admiral, and the sad thing is, there is nothing we can do about so called global warming! Yes, some of the industrial "scrubbers" have increase the quality of air in and around some of our industrial cities!
But, since "trees" contribute more carbon into the atmosphere than do humans, do you think we should cut down all trees and go back to living in mud huts?
God, through his grace, have given us the intelligence to figure out as humans, how to increase our quality of life on this earth! While it is easy for people to disagree with you and I, even though we have different points of view about this subject, the best thing man can do to help his quality of life on this earth is to build things which are carbon free, because there is nothing we can do about the past.
I think that with people with  your point of view, will cost people in the U.S. so much money, you will have people on fixed incomes "freezing" to death because they can't afford their electrical bills.
Unfortunately the powers that be in this country, just don't understand the "un-intended" results of some of the laws that are passed, so this subject is like most others, they don't seem to care about the results of their actions, they only care about remaining in their "ivory" towers in Washington!
Now, with the benefit of hind sight, wouldn't it be nice to go back to 1960 and start over? Of course I know a lot of people reading this wouldn't even be born yet, but we would know better how to educate them on problems facing us!
First thing I would do is, when someone gets to the age of 14, they are given, free of charge, a J-3 cub, with 100 gallons of free gas and told to learn how to fly and respect the earth that God has given us to enjoy. I have yet to meet anyone who flies who does not have a different outlook on themselves and other humans. Maybe that is the answer to our present day problems, give everybody a J-3 cub. LOL

i like this guy.  :airplane:

fbkamp do we want to compare carbon footprints?  id guess its about the same.  im like most people and try to recycle my used oil.  you are talking in a brainwashed state of mind. you see we all like things clean and sustainable, its more a mater of how this happens. point A: forcing people to do things like not burn wood for heat is ridiculous. point B: forcing people to build a dam to supply power and water is ridiculous. what side are u on A or B?

Offline mbailey

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #127 on: October 01, 2015, 05:05:59 AM »
:airplane: Your words are elegant and very admiral, and the sad thing is, there is nothing we can do about so called global warming! Yes, some of the industrial "scrubbers" have increase the quality of air in and around some of our industrial cities!
But, since "trees" contribute more carbon into the atmosphere than do humans, do you think we should cut down all trees and go back to living in mud huts?
God, through his grace, have given us the intelligence to figure out as humans, how to increase our quality of life on this earth! While it is easy for people to disagree with you and I, even though we have different points of view about this subject, the best thing man can do to help his quality of life on this earth is to build things which are carbon free, because there is nothing we can do about the past.
I think that with people with  your point of view, will cost people in the U.S. so much money, you will have people on fixed incomes "freezing" to death because they can't afford their electrical bills.
Unfortunately the powers that be in this country, just don't understand the "un-intended" results of some of the laws that are passed, so this subject is like most others, they don't seem to care about the results of their actions, they only care about remaining in their "ivory" towers in Washington!
Now, with the benefit of hind sight, wouldn't it be nice to go back to 1960 and start over? Of course I know a lot of people reading this wouldn't even be born yet, but we would know better how to educate them on problems facing us!
First thing I would do is, when someone gets to the age of 14, they are given, free of charge, a J-3 cub, with 100 gallons of free gas and told to learn how to fly and respect the earth that God has given us to enjoy. I have yet to meet anyone who flies who does not have a different outlook on themselves and other humans. Maybe that is the answer to our present day problems, give everybody a J-3 cub. LOL

Made me think of my Dad...he was flying a Cub at 14.  He always bragged he learned to fly before he learned to drive a car.  Made me smile, thanks.
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Offline bustr

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #128 on: October 01, 2015, 05:46:32 AM »

The US cleaned up it's act long before China, India, Africa and the Pacific rim took over polluting and consuming at levels the US with only 350 million people could never accomplish now that we castrated ourselves in the name of white guilt and political correctness. The UN can only steal power and money from the first world and do not have the power or the will to try and force the previously mentioned countries and regions to stop killing the planet. They have no reason to really want to solve global BS warming because it increases their money and power to hold never ending summits about it. China will tell the world to whizz off just like it did for the Kyoto protocol if the world try's to force it to stop the path it's on. And you have watched China periodically prove it can cripple the West visa cyber attacks if it really wants to. Or just call in everyone's loans and cause another world wide economic crash. Feeding your family today always trumps computer projected disasters 50 years from now when the prognosticators are all dead and buried.

Go whine at the Chinese and try out your save the earth zealotry on them. They don't care about your PC nonsense anymore than I do. They would also arrest you for subversive activities and not deport you, which is why everyone attacks the U.S.A. and it's citizens. It's safe, lazy and Americans can be guilt tripped into giving money to stop feeling guilty over things as stupid as personal farting causes global warming. I guess fiber is ultimately gonna kill us all after the PC food police told us we had to eat it or else.


Rebuilt an Aeronca Champion and resold it when I was 17 to pay for college. One of the benefits of my father being a commercial pilot and instructor with friends in that industry. Learned why you wear gloves shooting a sand blaster.

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline earl1937

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #129 on: October 01, 2015, 08:45:10 AM »
Made me think of my Dad...he was flying a Cub at 14.  He always bragged he learned to fly before he learned to drive a car.  Made me smile, thanks.
:airplane: Thanks that was the intent of the post, to make someone smile a little!
While we tend to laugh and joke about some of the things going on right now in our great country, there are some serious morons who are making life more difficult than it should be.
I am reminded of the EPA a few years back, were going to pass regulations on live stock "farting" on farms and etc, to help clean up the atmosphere and I don't know if it ever was passed or not. I have forgotten what they were going to charge per "fart", I would guess a goat wouldn't cost as much as a horse, because of the size difference in the animal. Do you think they charged so much per chicken!
I am so glad we have such smart people in our government who are protecting me!
Blue Skies and wind at my back and wish that for all!!!

Offline WWhiskey

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #130 on: October 01, 2015, 08:49:09 AM »

We can take steps to help reduce the problem, encourage and assist others in reducing the problem, mitigate the damage.

Such mentality, such proud ignorance, is the number one problem with humanity.

What problem?
Increased crop yields ? Yea we should fix that asap!
The last statement is the only truth I've seen in your post,, the proud ignorance part!
Education, the ability to understand the things you can and cannot change, the ability to adapt to change that is inevitable, the education to help you understand the difference!
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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #131 on: October 01, 2015, 09:02:53 AM »
FLS Did you read the third and eleventh paragraphs?

Did you notice the comparison of growth rate to growth?  As if they are the same thing?
That's so misleading.  Why would they do that?

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #132 on: October 01, 2015, 11:50:14 AM »
The largest ice sheet in the world is growing, and was growing back when it was reported to be shrinking.
Since it's in Antarctica we don't have to worry.   :D 

Big money in carbon credits.   :banana:

You are making an error of omission.  You are ignoring the difference between land ice and sea ice.

In summary:

•   Antarctic land ice is decreasing at an accelerating rate
•   Antarctic sea ice is increasing despite the warming Southern Ocean

UQx DENIAL101x Antarctica land ice vs sea ice


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Offline SysError

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #133 on: October 01, 2015, 11:58:36 AM »
this is the kind of ideas our schools are putting in our kids heads.  im sorry for you caz but your going to have to settle down, and if you come to my house i will have to shoot.

It gets worse in college and a fear mongering individual can really mentor a child to death.  caz if you really care about global changing try getting a degree in engineering and get a good job.   :old:

I do not think that you understand how science works.  You do not get a vote on whether or not gravity exists.  Science says bring me evidence to support your idea and peers will review and evaluate it.

If you do not want science taught at your kid's school, that is OK, we will always need asbestos remediation technicians.   :old:


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Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: How or Why we will reverse global warming
« Reply #134 on: October 01, 2015, 12:09:29 PM »

The US cleaned up it's act long before China, India, Africa and the Pacific rim took over polluting and consuming at levels the US with only 350 million people could never accomplish now that we castrated ourselves in the name of white guilt and political correctness. The UN can only steal power and money from the first world and do not have the power or the will to try and force the previously mentioned countries and regions to stop killing the planet. They have no reason to really want to solve global BS warming because it increases their money and power to hold never ending summits about it. China will tell the world to whizz off just like it did for the Kyoto protocol if the world try's to force it to stop the path it's on. And you have watched China periodically prove it can cripple the West visa cyber attacks if it really wants to. Or just call in everyone's loans and cause another world wide economic crash. Feeding your family today always trumps computer projected disasters 50 years from now when the prognosticators are all dead and buried.

Go whine at the Chinese and try out your save the earth zealotry on them. They don't care about your PC nonsense anymore than I do. They would also arrest you for subversive activities and not deport you, which is why everyone attacks the U.S.A. and it's citizens. It's safe, lazy and Americans can be guilt tripped into giving money to stop feeling guilty over things as stupid as personal farting causes global warming. I guess fiber is ultimately gonna kill us all after the PC food police told us we had to eat it or else.


Rebuilt an Aeronca Champion and resold it when I was 17 to pay for college. One of the benefits of my father being a commercial pilot and instructor with friends in that industry. Learned why you wear gloves shooting a sand blaster.

Ah, more music from my new Idol, the Porcine God who calls himself "The Bustr"... Indeed, the current "Global Warming" methodology is as fine a study of application of Sun Tzu's methods as has ever been seen; a "weaponized" pseudoscience designed to systematically extract rents from a bunch of under-accomplished but well-heeled white guilt-trippers. As you know, when you can trace every dollar back to an accomplished goal, the guilt doesn't exist. OTOH, if somebody drops a Heinz fortune in your lap... you might just feel unworthy.

Yes, there are other people out there who want a better way of life and are willing to forego things they value less in order to get it. But, adults get that whole trade-off discussion (and would accept common-sense environmental requirements but not zero-tolerance cautionary ones), children who want what they want and want it now demand utopia and expect you, Mr. Bustr, to balloon your farts, since even this negligible release is beyond the pale (even as the Chinese and Indian smokestacks belch on, unfettered by the most rudimentary of filters - hell, I even saw a story about a Chinese battery factory in which the workers were handling cadmium barehanded). But then, it's easier to bee-atch at you than to stand up to the Chinese, because the latter would take real spine, whereas you're a veritable neighbor down the street.

I noted, with some schadenfreude, the abandonment, in 2012 or so, of the Chicago-based Carbon Exchange. The plan was simple: buy and sell carbon credits so that you could meet regulatory requirements. But the regulatory requirements never came, thank god, and so the primary investors in the Carbon Exchange plan, who stood to take a house rake off of every transaction (a thing worth billions if not trillions) had to walk away empty-handed. And who were those primary investors? Perhaps some people in the land of "whatevah" might like to know. Of course, Big Al was an investor, as was a Prof from Joyce; an institute on whose board your current President once sat.

Well, what have we wrought in creating a generation that had everything given them on a silver platter? A vacuum abhorred by nature...
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 02:05:24 PM by PJ_Godzilla »
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.