Author Topic: Stories from FL280...  (Read 34490 times)

Offline Kanth

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #105 on: August 02, 2016, 03:46:46 PM »
Just started reading these. Great writeups!!  :rock

Gone from the game. Please see Spikes or Nefarious for any admin needs.

Offline Serenity

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #106 on: August 02, 2016, 07:35:40 PM »
Part two...

So, I forgot to mention, it's always a good idea to eat before a flight. I eat a LOT lol. Usually two to three of the smuckers uncrustable peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches, plus maybe a rice crispy, or a bag of chips, all before the brief.

So, we briefed up, got our jet, 263, and went down to maintenance control to sign it out and call in our flight plan. Every flight is IFR, regardless of what we're doing. It's a safety issue, as IFR guarantees a flight following. Additionally, we use a lot of the same flight plans over and over, so we have what are called "canned routes" with individual names. So, for today instead of filing "Hawk 263, NQI-Kings 2 departure-RICTO at 9000-MOA at 23000-BALTS 3000-NQI", we just have to call in "Hawk 263, Premont 2" and all of that is automatic. So, we file and gear up.

Before the flight, bright eyed and bushy tailed

We walk to the jet, and run through the startup. It's still a little slow as I have to actually read the checklist (This is only my third startup in the actual jet). We get all started up, and right before we taxi out of the line, the plane captain gives me some weird hand signal I don't recognize. After he repeats it twice more and I'm still confused, he yells at the IP "You've got a loose fitting!" So, I retract the flaps, and a troubleshooter comes out to tighten it down. Well, it's tightened up, he gives me flaps half again and clears us out. We taxi out of the line and to the final checker. All good, out to marshal. Knock out our instrument comparison checks and takeoff checks, and check out with strike on button one "263 out of chocks", and over to ground on button two "Ground, 263 taxi with hotel". "263, taxi 13 right via bravo alpha". We roll out of marshal, and passing the arresting gear, switch button 3 and call tower for departure. "263, cleared for takeoff 13 right, switch to departure". It's worth noting, we change off of tower frequency before even entering the runway. As we cross the hold short, SPIT checks are done (Strobes-On, Pitot Heat-On, IFF-On, Taxi/Landing Lights-On), then MRT and Washout (Throttle to max, controls through the full range of motion, engine instruments checked, hyds checked, voltage checked). "Ready in the front" "Ready in the back" "Rolling". Brakes release. As the HUD speed comes up off of 50kts (The min number) "airspeed alive". Passing 80kts "High speed" (below 80kts, any abort is considered low speed, and we'll abort for basically anything. Above 80kts, it gets a bit more tricky to abort, so our abort criteria gets more limited). Crossing the arresting gear, 106kts indicate "Good line speed". 115kts rotate and climb at 17 AOA. "Two positive rates, above 140, gear and flaps" and we clean up. "Clean below 200, good handle in the front" "Good handle in the back" and checking in with departure "Departure, 263, airborne climbing through 600 ft". "263, radar contact".

As we climb through 2,500 feet, we're still VMC and read to do our thing, so we call up departure "Departure, 263, VMC terminate, request direct". "263, terminate". "263 terminate". We're now cleared to head into the working area, maintain our own separation, and check in on the MOA freq. Climbing through 5,000ft I reset the LAW (RadAlt) to platform, 5,000ft. "99 Alpha, who's working?". Silence. "99 Alpha, single fam taking benevides". So, our working areas in the MOA depend on whether we can see the ground or not. If we can, and today we could, working areas are broken up by the towns they're over, and we have seven. Laguna Salada and Falfurius to the south. Premont right under RICTO. Concepcion in the center. Benevides to the north. Rialitos and Hebronville to the west. We climb to 10,000 and complete our 10,000' checks. Engine instruments good, flight instruments good, hyds 3 x 3, good voltage, cabin altitude 7,000 pressurized, 2.5 (2,500lbs of gas) remaining. We're alone, so we don't have to get to benevides before climbing, so we complete our vertical recovery. With a nice smooth pull up to 60 and a good pushover recovery, we level off at 13,500', right where we wanted to be. We push toward benevides and accelerate to 300kts. "Loose items stowed, map case secure, 2.4, area clear, I'll be ready for the min radius at 300, you ready in the back?" "Stall aerobatic checks complete, I'll be ready at 300" the IP responds, and as we hit 300kts I roll hard left and pull.

The min radius turn is a bit tough, because finding that 17 units is a bit tough at first, and you get what they call the "dirt road effect", where the airframe buffet starts and things feel a little rough. But we hold 300kts nicely, and since the IP didn't feel like wasting gas, we only turned for 180 degrees, rolled back and completed. We came out straight and level on our original heading at 11,300. From there we climbed up to 12,500 and executed our stall series. Recovering from the break turn stall... "deedle deedle" goes the master caution. I look down and the Hyd 2 caution light is on, as is the RAT. So, some engineering here. If hyd 2 pressure drops below a certain point, the RAT, or Ram Air Turbine, extends. It's basically a fan that uses the forward motion and air pressure to run a pump and pressurize hyd 2. As it comes online, the hyd 2 warning light goes out, and we bust out the checklist. Hyd 2 is reading about 2500 lbs, normal for RAT pressure, below normal for normal function. As per the checklist, we reset the hyd 2 system, which brings it back up to pressure and the RAT retracts. We'll monitor that throughout the flight. So, we complete our stall series. From there, it's a wingover for area management, an aileron roll, a barrel roll into another wingover, and a second barrell roll because I wanted to clean it up. From there, we go into UAs, or Unusual Attitude Recovery.

For UAs, the IP takes the stick, you close your eyes, he puts the plane into a weird place, and you open your eyes and recover. The first one was nose low and FAST. 30 degrees nose down, 340kts and accelerating. I bring the throttle back to idle, boards out, and 17 AOA climb back to the horizon. Recovered. Eyes closed. He sets us up again. Eyes open. We're nose high, but with speed, 220kts. Roll inverted, throttle to MRT, and 17 unit pull. Crossing the horizon, roll up right and pull back up. Recovered. That was good enough for him, so we head home. Idle and spiraling down to 9000, we grab ATIS, check out on button 5, and leveling at nine, check in with approach on 13. "Approach, Hawk 263, 9,000, juliet with request". "Hawk 263, ident and say request". Now, we needed a precautionary approach today, and we're still on an IFR clearance wanting a VFR recovery. "Approach, 263 would like to cancel IFR, monitors to high key". "263, maintain VMC to high key, contact tower button 3". We set our 80% power for simulated engine trouble, and maintain 250kts down to 5,000'. We report in to the tower and drive right toward the field. Boards out slightly to slow to 199kts, and crossing the the runways perpendicular, we report high key, and configure. "Below 200, gear half flaps". "Clear". We nose down to hold 175kts, 30 degree angle of bank, and drive down to low key. We report to tower "263, low key, gear". "263, cleared for the option, 13L". In the grove at 1,000ft, we're a bit fast, so we go full flaps and boards. 300', idle, flare. Nice touch down, just before the wires. Boards in, MRT and go. We run about 5 more normal approaches, one without the HUD, and other than waving off once for a bird on final, nothing exciting.

We make our final landing, roll out, and start shutting everything off taxiing back to base. This IP isn't a fan of a long debrief, so we talk about everything during the taxi. Back in the line, shut down, and of course, no one brings us a ladder. Damnit! I hate having to use the built-in steps. It's NOT easy lol. I make it down without killing myself, walk back inside, and take my gear off.

Tired, sweaty, you can see the mask lines around my face.

Well, we're done for the day, off home, and check my schedule for tomorrow. I've got a ground school class in the morning, and a flight in the afternoon.

Offline SIK1

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #107 on: August 02, 2016, 07:47:12 PM »
Great stuff!  :aok

444th Air Mafia since Air Warrior
Proudly flying with VF-17

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG54

Offline nooby52

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #108 on: August 02, 2016, 08:02:08 PM »

Flying as "South52" for VF-17 Jolly Rogers
17 Squadron - The Hardest Day Battle of Britain
204 Kokutai - Target Rabaul
610 Squadron -TFT Battle of Britain

Offline Gman

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #109 on: August 03, 2016, 12:28:48 AM »
Great write ups, as always, very interesting to read.

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #110 on: August 03, 2016, 09:44:38 PM »
call tower for departure. "263, cleared for takeoff 13 right, switch to departure". It's worth noting, we change off of tower frequency before even entering the runway.

Interesting, seems like a good idea.  I've had tower complain because I switched to departure without instructions.  This makes mores sense.

Thanks so much for taking the time to give us the details like you did.  Great stuff.

- oldman

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #111 on: August 03, 2016, 10:19:14 PM »
OK you have another fan! Good read.
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

Offline Serenity

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #112 on: August 04, 2016, 07:55:43 AM »

Interesting, seems like a good idea.  I've had tower complain because I switched to departure without instructions.  This makes mores sense.

Thanks so much for taking the time to give us the details like you did.  Great stuff.

- oldman

What makes it odd to me is that we're on departure with other jets overhead. In primary, you remain on tower for takeoff, then once you're clear of the pattern, you roll to departure. That way, you know if someone is about to break over you, etc, and you can track what's around you. Granted, here MOST breaks, touch and goes and landings are to the left runway (we have two sets of parallels) and takeoffs are on the right, but it's certainly not unheard of to land right, or even set up for right of the right right break. Logic tells me to stay tower just to hear where everyone is around me, but SOP says change on deck.

Offline colmbo

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #113 on: August 04, 2016, 08:32:43 AM »
Logic tells me to stay tower just to hear where everyone is around me, but SOP says change on deck.

I'm with you, I want to be listening to tower to stay in the loop on the local traffic. 

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

Fate whispers to the warrior "You cannot withstand the storm" and the warrior whispers back "I AM THE STORM"

Offline NatCigg

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #114 on: August 04, 2016, 12:40:05 PM »
did some crabby ol guy complain about playing with dials just after takeoff.  or possibly they don't want a chance of losing you in the air due to a radio issue?

Offline Russian

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #115 on: August 05, 2016, 10:13:21 PM »
It would make sense for none standard formation to switch to departure before hand...but as singleton.

Offline Serenity

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #116 on: August 21, 2016, 10:40:58 AM »
Well, apparently someone thought it was a good idea to toss me the keys to a jet for a bit... first jet solo complete! Fairly uneventful, though the GINA (GPS/INS system) was a nightmare on startup... had to be reset three times due to no headings indicated... I called a troubleshooter out, and literally AS he climbed the ladder to the cockpit, the headings popped up...

Went up into the MOA, and just kinda dicked around for a bit. There was no one else up there, and there were a BUNCH of clouds I'm not allowed to fly THROUGH alone... so I did barrel rolls AROUND them, immelmans up over them, split Ss down through other holes... It was a beautiful scene, with a sea of clouds just before sunset, and it's still pretty amazing to be able to immelman from 13,000 right up to 21,000. After about 20 to 30 minutes of cloud surfing, I used a Split S to get down out of the MOA, and head on home. The break was uneventful, and I did about 6 FCLP passes (Field Carrier Landing Practice, basically a touch and go on the painted carrier box) and of course, the one time there's no one to see it, my ball flying was pretty good! Landed, taxied on in, and called it a day!

Offline Kanth

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #117 on: August 21, 2016, 10:54:56 AM »
uneventful is good.

Is that the hanger? kind of a tent structure?
and also is that  towbar sticking out of the front wheelset or what is that?
chute in the square green bag?
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Offline Serenity

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #118 on: August 21, 2016, 11:17:32 AM »
uneventful is good.

Is that the hanger? kind of a tent structure?
and also is that  towbar sticking out of the front wheelset or what is that?
chute in the square green bag?

Well, we have an actual hangar for maintenance, and then the line where the flying jets are parked is a bunch of dome tent-like covers, really just to keep the sun off of you while starting up, otherwise it's hotter than hell, being south Texas and all. The bar on the front of the nose gear is the launch bar, that's what connects to the catapult on the ship for cat launches. And no, the chute it built into the seat itself. The green bag is my helmet bag, so it's the bag I stuff next to the seat with everything I need for the flight, so iPad, pubs, kneeboard, anything else I want to carry with me in the cockpit.

Offline Kanth

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Re: Stories from FL280...
« Reply #119 on: August 21, 2016, 11:46:37 AM »
oh a launch bar...didn't even think of that. Thanks for answering my questions.

Gone from the game. Please see Spikes or Nefarious for any admin needs.