Author Topic: Southern Conquest, comments wanted  (Read 3124 times)

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Southern Conquest, comments wanted
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2016, 10:17:13 AM »
I'm not a big fan of the launch windows.  I got killed 15-20 minutes into the third window and had to sit for 40 minutes for the final launch.  I almost logged.  Personally I'd rather have 2 lives and be able to launch when I want.

Aside from that despite my poor showing I had fun.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline Frodo

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Re: Southern Conquest, comments wanted
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2016, 11:48:15 AM »
Our P40's really seemed greatly outclassed by our enemies aircraft and so I think at first we were most hesitant to fight in them, plus our orders were to get the enemy away from the bombers. AKRaider did a great job  leading us.  :aok

 Towards the end we were able to just fight and have more fun.  I think that's the most I've died in any scenario. Lots in an LVT which was when I was laughing the hardest and had the most fun.

Always dazzled by JG11's wingman tactics, love seeing it even if it gets me killed. :salute

Your P40s winged just as well. I watched a few pull off and grab and come back in, and I knew we were not fighting rookies. Got oiled by the last one but Shamus saved my arse. Fun fight.  :cheers:

The first frame I have been able to make and scenarios and FSO are the best thing in the game still. We need a small scenario every Sat. night.  :noid   :devil



Offline Randy1

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Re: Southern Conquest, comments wanted
« Reply #32 on: February 14, 2016, 12:22:03 PM »
I would suggest you evaluate the scoring for bombers.  The Bostons and the Mitchels have such poor defense, our scoring loss to the axis far out weighed the small point scored we got for good hits on our targets.  The load out for these bombers is small to start with so the scoring potential for each bomber is small.

I suggest you do a simple test with a bomber formation.  Hit a target then evaluate the potential score, then compare that with the score loss of each bomber.  Then set the score per object destroyed.

The event from 3 to 6 was long enough the one yesterday ran over that.

Understand we still had a great time.  This is just feedback not a complaint.