The basics will always be important skills, whether it be in real life or virtual life flying. Trying to start out with more advance maneuvers, will more than likely confuse the "noob", not to mention developing bad habits, and an increasing level of frustration.
For example, the "nose down rudder kick" is a great move. It's a technique comprised of BFM, use of lift vector, and energy management. It may and probably will work well against an opponent who hasn't developed the basic skills. An opponent who has the basic skills developed will simply counter it with an application of BFM, lift vector adjustment, and energy management to reposition and setup for a shot.
Earlier, there was mention of learning and using a snap roll. It's a really cool aerobatic maneuver and requires skill and practice to pull off correctly. But, it's a huge energy killer and can easily be countered with proper use of BFM. If using a snap roll works in a particular situation, you're up against an opponent without basic skills. If it doesn't work, your opponent has skills and you're in trouble.
Crawl, walk, run. Get 'em out of order and fall down.